Hi Joszef,

I think your email to users@cxf.apache.org might be stuck in a
moderation queue somewhere.

The OSGi Http Service is often just a facade over an existing web container.
On this page http://www.eclipse.org/equinox/server/ it says:
  "HTTP ServletBridge (org.eclipse.equinox.http.servletbridge)
    A thin layer that exposes an underlying application server (e.g.,
Tomcat or Jetty) as an OSGi HTTP service."

So by using the OSGi Http Service you are really using the underlying
Tomcat. It's just a standard interface over it...

Isn't that what you'd like to do?

Best regards,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Malyik József <jozsef.mal...@contum.hu>
Date: 2009/11/26
Subject: FW: help with using cxf-dosgi in a web container.
To: david.bosscha...@gmail.com

Hi David,

I don't see my mail in the cxf-users archive, so I send to you
directly. When does the nabble render the incoming mails to the nabble
cxf archive site? Do I send attachment to the cxf-users mailing list?

Best regards,

József Malyik
Ps.: I subscribed to the users@cxf.apache.org

-----Original Message-----
From: Malyik József
Sent: Thursday, November 26, 2009 2:07 PM
To: users@cxf.apache.org
Subject: RE: help with using cxf-dosgi in a web container.

Hi all,

David, you misunderstood me. Our problem is the running http service
inside the OSGi container. We want to utilize the tomcat webcontainer
to serviceing HTTP requests (including SOAP), and forward them to the
right bundle inside the OSGi container like the functionality of the
bridgeservlet in the equinox's servletbridge.

For a better understanding I attached an architecture sketch.

Best regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: David Bosschaert [mailto:david.bosscha...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 26, 2009 12:36 PM
To: Malyik József
Cc: Csekő András; users@cxf.apache.org
Subject: Re: help with using cxf-dosgi in a web container.

Hi Jozsef,

I'm copying users@cxf.apache.org as that's a good place to discuss
these questions.

What you're asking should be possible as long as the container that
you're running in registers the OSGi HTTP Service. As you're already
in Equinox I suspect that this is happening already (you can easily
find this out by checking that a service is registered under the
org.osgi.service.http.HttpService interface).

You can configure CXF-DOSGi to use the OSGi HTTP Service instead of
the embedded Jetty server. Doing this should not start Jetty and you
should be using the one provided by your platform. You do this by
setting the org.apache.cxf.ws.httpservice.context property on your
to-be-exported service. See the reference page:
http://cxf.apache.org/distributed-osgi-reference.html or this blog
for more info.

When doing this you should probably use the multi-bundle distribution.
The CXF-DOSGi binary distros come with their own OSGi HTTP Service
(provided through pax-web). You probably want to remove that bundle
from your installation as otherwise you'd end up with two HTTP
Services in your container.

Hope this helps,


2009/11/26 Malyik József <jozsef.mal...@contum.hu>:
> Hi David,
>   I'm sorry to bother you but I didn't find up to now the right person to
> help us with CXF-DOSGi, but I readed your blog posts and I thought may you
> would like to help us a little bit.
>   So, we try to create a distributed war based application framework with
> dynamic module loading (we . The communication between modules is based on
>   Because we don't wanted to invent the wheel, I used google and searched
> for dynamic module loader frameworks, and I found the OSGi, the CXF and you,
> with the CXF-DOSGi.
>   I downloaded equinox's servletbridge (bridge.war), sling (sling.war) and
> another web(war)-based OSGi container implementations and I tried to
> hammering with CXF-DOSGi (singlebundle) that finally succeeded in all case.
>   But: in all cases DOSGi started an embedded jetty and that is our problem.
> Would you be so nice and tell me that is it possible to configure CXF-DOSGi
> so that this embedded jetty don't start (but of course the CXF service works
> continues)? I think not just for me weird thing that in a webserver an
> application starts an another webserver...
> If you are not the right person, would be so nice to forward this mail to
> the right person or mailing list, thanks.
> Best regards,
> Jozsef Malyik

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