Argh, ignore classic case of pebkac, I somehow copied old jaxb-impl in the
endorsed dir...

On 18 October 2010 23:04, Yiannis Mavroukakis <> wrote:

> Hi fellow listers,
> I've just started using jaxws-api/jaxb-api 2.2 with cxf 2.3.0 (usual path
> through endorsed/ dir in the JDK install) and I am now getting this
> SEVERE: Context initialization failed
> org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating
> bean with name 'account': Invocation of init method failed; nested exception
> is java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid
> schema document passed to AbstractDataBinding.addSchemaDocument, not in W3C
> schema namespace
>  at
> at
>  at
> Debugging the session it looks like a null Document is passed to the
> method, however this issue disappears the moment I'm back to the "old"
> jaxws/jaxb..
> Has anyone encountered this before?
> Thanks,
> Yiannis

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