If your main incentive to write a book is financial gain, then I agree with
your comments. If, it's to pool all knowledge in one location then I have to
disagree with you, and I believe that to be the case with most Apache
projects. Take Camel for example, there's a lot of good information out
there, but I still bought the book, and it had a boatload of useful
information. You're also implying that most framework/tech writers are only
in it for the money...


On 13 December 2010 15:19, Glen Mazza <glen.ma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> There are already two or three books available with Apache CXF, several
> more if you consider the broader category of JAX-WS / SOAP or REST web
> services.
> Perhaps a book is less indicated for CXF compared to other projects because
> it implements specifications that are already defined elsewhere and
> implemented on multiple projects as well.  Also, there are multiple blogs on
> web services and we have pretty good online documentation, at least compared
> to other projects that do have such books.
> While Robert, being an author of multiple books himself, may be itching
> himself to write another book--go to town, I say!--ultimately I have to take
> issue with his premise that we "should" write a book.  Most books are
> notorious money-losers, the time put in vs. money derived from it in general
> is very poor.  People write books because they see it as a mountain they
> want to climb, an additional accomplishment they wish to have under their
> belt, something that gets them to avoid doing household chores from their
> spouse--not for the negative financial benefits that such books normally
> engender.  Absent any desire to climb that mountain, it's best not to
> bother.  You can instead take a bunch of money out of your savings account
> and burn it, as such an action would provide the same financial effect of
> writing a book while taking far less time.
> Glen
> On 12/13/2010 09:35 AM, Craig Tataryn wrote:
>> I would suggest an eBook only CXF In Action book as the amount of trees it
>> would take to properly cover CXF might increase CO2 levels drastically at a
>> global level :)
>> An authoritative reference manual would be great, I doubt though that any
>> of the CXF committers could find the time to put the necessary energy and
>> time into one, writing books is all consume from what I've heard.
>> Craig.
>> On 2010-12-13, at 8:25 AM, robert wrote:
>>  Here is what is currently being done with "ActiveMQ in Action"...
>>> http://www.manning.com/snyder/.
>>> I think the same (MEAP effort) could be down for a "CXF in Action".
>>> -- Robert
>>> On Mon, 13 Dec 2010 09:46:41 -0300, Juan Pablo Pizarro
>>> <juanpablo.piza...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>>>> Me too!
>>>> 2010/12/13 Yiannis Mavroukakis<imavrouka...@gameaccountnetwork.com>
>>>>  Definitely. I'd buy.
>>>>> On 12 December 2010 03:28, robert<rob...@gliesian.com>  wrote:
>>>>>  I think you guys should write a "CXF in Action" book... any plans for
>>>>>> it?
>>>>>> -- Robert

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