

I'm a new user of CXF (though a long-time veteran of Java and other WS
implementations) and have to admit I find the documentation very
confusing. Of course, it's easy to write confusing documentation if the
people who write it know what they are doing (they don't realize the
things their readers won't know). On the other hand....


What's got me at the moment, is writing a standalone server. I need to
add some static pages to the server programmatically and was thrilled to
see that I could do so with the code at
http://cxf.apache.org/docs/standalone-http-transport.html. However,
there's a problem; the code is not complete. In particular, it uses a
method on a DestinationFactory that simply "appears" (that is, the
variable df is nowhere declared, so I don't know where it came from):


    Destination destination = df.getDestination(ei);

    // etc., other code I understand


Fine, once I can get there I understand what's going on, but my service
works very well with the JAX-WS frontend, which I am declaring simply


                        Endpoint e =
Endpoint.publish("http://localhost:9000/DsiServer";, new


So my question: how do I locate the appropriate DestinationFactory if I
am using the JAX-WS frontend in this way?


There is some discussion about how the whole thing works also in
http://cxf.apache.org/docs/jax-ws-configuration.html but about half of
it I am having difficulty with the underlying assumptions about how to
use it and the other half doesn't get me to where I need to go.


Many thanks for your pity on a new user.




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