
Using jaxws dispatch on client side is what you're looking for. Take a look at [1] to get more details


On 2011-5-31, at 下午5:20, Marco Zapletal wrote:

On 31.05.2011 11:07, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:

I am using CXF (with Camel) in order to consume XML documents, which are signed using XMLDSig. For validating the signature, I have to use a certain framework, which accepts only org.w3c.dom.Nodes - which means that I have to
marshall the received documents back to DOM.

However, JAXB marshalling/unmarshalling documents seems to break the
signature (according to the links below), which I have also experienced

http://java.net/projects/jaxb/lists/users/archive/2007-03/message/ 110

Is there any recommended approach how to transfer signed documents with CXF,
which takes care of their signature (by avoiding JAXB

You likely need to use javax.xml.transform.Source

Thanks for your quick answer. I guess you mean using Source as an input argument of the service interface, or? (Since I am using cxf camel component, I think I have to switch to dataFormat PAYLOAD or MESSAGE - but I think I will figure that out).

Do you also know about how to handle this on the client side? (I assume that currently the marshalling on the client side already breaks the signature). In fact, I expect I have to pass in something like a Source or Document object at the client side as well - but I haven't found anything how to do this.


Freeman Fang

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