
ResponseReader is still the provider you need to register.
I have a test which catches ServerWebApplicationException and
then does ex.toErrorObject(Book.class).
ResponseReader has to be registered once but you can set an expected class on it every time you need to read from Response, directly or indirectly

Cheers, Sergey

On 28/09/11 17:31, Osvaldo Pina wrote:

   Maybe the approach to my problem is driving me to a wrong path. We are in
the process of changing all integration components from EJB2 to Rest. In the
server side when a component exception is thrown I look at the accept header
that was sent by the client to see if the client is a regular web browser or
my rest client. If it was the web browser I render the response as a HTML
error page but if It was my rest client (the rest client accepts
application/xml for regular response and
application/bc-serialized-exception+xml for error response) I render the
error as a xml with the java exception serialized in a base 64 format. In
the server I have a ExceptionMapper that do this exception to HTML or
application/bc-serialized-exception+xml translation. In the client i get the
ServerWebApplicationException and use the method toErrorObject to translate
the application/bc-serialized-exception+xml back into the original
exception. When I discorered the ResponseExceptionMapper that was designed
to do this task on the client side I decided to give it a try, but the
Response object in ResponseExceptionMapper is a InputStream. So the question
about message context was to give a way to acess the Providers instance in
order to query for the responseReader for
application/bc-serialized-exception+xml ( whitch I think will return a
MessageBodyReader for xml). Summarizing the problem: In the
ResponseExceptionMapper I have to translate the exception which is encoded
as application/bc-serialized-exception+xml into the corresponding java
Sorry by the long email!!!!

thanks a lot,
Osvaldo Pina.

On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 7:05 PM, Sergey Beryozkin<sberyoz...@gmail.com>wrote:


Do you need some information about the outbound message in your
ResponseExceptionMapper ? It has a Response in parameter that gives all the
info about the response message

Cheers, Sergey

On 26/09/11 21:51, Osvaldo Pina wrote:


   I´m trying to inject a @Context for a MessageContext into a
ResponseExceptionMapper and I always get null for the MessageContext
Taking a look at the code I found that the code in ProviderFactory class
not calling injectContexts into responseExceptionMappers. This is correct?

   Osvaldo Pina.

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