Thanks willem and Glen:

I have tried, it seems I can only make CXF to publish a service with single 
port , I still cannot make CXF to publish a service with multi-port taking 
effect at same time;

Also I have tried the example of CXF systest which support 

Following is the CXF systest 's wsdl, which contains 2 port. But the published 
service only has single port take effect;
 <wsdl:service name="GreeterService">

When I run the example, I found when I trying to retrieve wsdl from 
http://mycomputername:9000/GreeterService/TimestampSignEncryptPort?wsdl only 
the TimestampSignEncryptPort will take effect (the address will be replaced as 
a correct url by cxf), 
and also retrieve wsdl from 
http://mycomptername:9000/GreeterService/UsernameTokenPort?wsdl , only the 
UsernameTokenPort will take effect;

It seems the CXF doesn't publish a service for 2 port at same time, but  just 
published two different service, and each service make one port taking effect 
and leave another aside

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