I known, thanks a lot;

If I really need one service with multiply port enabled, 
I think I could wrote a custom proxy service which just manipulate the WSDL and 
mapping the ports's address to different endpoint published by CXF;

Thanks a lot;

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Glen Mazza" <gma...@talend.com>
To: <users@cxf.apache.org>
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 10:43 PM
Subject: Re: Does CXF support multiple endpoint for single wsdl now?

> Yes, Endpoint.publish() takes only one port's endpoint, and so if you 
> want to have multiple endpoints running simultaneously, you need to have 
> multiple Endpoint.publish() commands.    Alternatively, for Tomcat or 
> similar deployment, you would declare multiple <jaxws:endpoint> 
> elements[1].  As Endpoint.publish() is part of the JAX-WS 
> specification[2], GlassFish Metro, CXF's main competitor, presumably 
> does the same thing.
> As each port can specify its own transport method (JMS or HTTP), SOAP 
> message format, additional SOAP header elements, and security policy, it 
> could become a major source of bugs were CXF to allow multiple ports to 
> be active for a single Endpoint.publish() (assuming we could do so and 
> still be JAX-WS compliant.)  Be careful what you wish for.  :)
> Glen
> [1] http://www.jroller.com/gmazza/entry/web_service_tutorial#WFstep6
> [2] http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/javax/xml/ws/Endpoint.html
> On 12/28/2011 09:03 AM, xuhb wrote:
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Glen Mazza"<gma...@talend.com>
>> To:<users@cxf.apache.org>
>> Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 9:25 PM
>> Subject: Re: Does CXF support multiple endpoint for single wsdl now?
>>> Within the same configuration file, can't you specify two separate
>>> services, one with each port you wish to activate?  That may be CXF's
>>> way of supporting "multiport at runtime".
>> I want to got a wsdl which contains a service with two active port 
>> simultaneously.
>> But it seems cannot,I have tried  the CXF's system test 
>> "org/apache/cxf/systest/ws/security/server.xml " which configure two 
>> seperate services. But the cxf actually do is just publish two service, and 
>> each service only activate one port;   I cannot got a wsdl which activate 
>> two port simultaneously?
>>> Glen
>>> On 12/28/2011 04:07 AM, xuhb wrote:
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Willem Jiang"<willem.ji...@gmail.com>
>>>> To:<users@cxf.apache.org>
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 4:29 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: Does CXF support multiple endpoint for single wsdl now?
>>>>> In this case you need to specify the two endpoint and publish them
>>>>> separately.
>>>> Yes, this is the only way I can do; and this is why I say the old version 
>>>> CXF doesn't support multi-port at runtime;
>>>>> The port of the wsdl is band to the CXF endpoint, you may need to do
>>>>> some addition work to check the WSDL if you want to publish the service
>>>>> from the WSDL automatically.
>>>> I still have no idea about how to do;
>>>> After hacking some code of CXF 2.3.3(not the latest version), I found it's 
>>>> very hard to support the feature I want, for example: the 
>>>> org.apache.cxf.service.invoke.Invoker is binding to 
>>>> org.apache.cxf.service.Service; so I am very hard to extending CXF to 
>>>> enable service to support mult-port, because if so, the invoker may not 
>>>> binding to service, it should be binding to port or endpoint;
>>>>> On 12/28/11 3:53 PM, xuhb wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks willem and Glen:
>>>>>> I have tried, it seems I can only make CXF to publish a service with 
>>>>>> single port , I still cannot make CXF to publish a service with 
>>>>>> multi-port taking effect at same time;
>>>>>> Also I have tried the example of CXF systest which support 
>>>>>> multiport(systests\ws-security\src\test\java\org\apache\cxf\systest\ws\security\Server.java)
>>>>>> Following is the CXF systest 's wsdl, which contains 2 port. But the 
>>>>>> published service only has single port take effect;
>>>>>>     <wsdl:service name="GreeterService">
>>>>>>            <wsdl:port
>>>>>>                name="TimestampSignEncryptPort"
>>>>>>                binding="tns:Greeter_SOAPBinding">
>>>>>>                <soap:address
>>>>>> location="http://localhost:9000/GreeterService/TimestampSignEncryptPort";
>>>>>>                />
>>>>>>            </wsdl:port>
>>>>>>            <wsdl:port
>>>>>>                name="UsernameTokenPort"
>>>>>>                binding="tns:Greeter_SOAPBinding">
>>>>>>                <soap:address
>>>>>> location="http://localhost:9000/GreeterService/UsernameTokenPort";
>>>>>>                />
>>>>>>            </wsdl:port>
>>>>>>     </wsdl:service>
>>>>>> When I run the example, I found when I trying to retrieve wsdl from 
>>>>>> http://mycomputername:9000/GreeterService/TimestampSignEncryptPort?wsdl 
>>>>>> only the TimestampSignEncryptPort will take effect (the address will be 
>>>>>> replaced as a correct url by cxf),
>>>>>> and also retrieve wsdl from 
>>>>>> http://mycomptername:9000/GreeterService/UsernameTokenPort?wsdl , only 
>>>>>> the UsernameTokenPort will take effect;
>>>>>> It seems the CXF doesn't publish a service for 2 port at same time, but  
>>>>>> just published two different service, and each service make one port 
>>>>>> taking effect and leave another aside
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Willem
>>>>> ----------------------------------
>>>>> FuseSource
>>>>> Web: http://www.fusesource.com
>>>>> Blog:    http://willemjiang.blogspot.com (English)
>>>>>            http://jnn.javaeye.com (Chinese)
>>>>> Twitter: willemjiang
>>>>> Weibo: willemjiang
>>> -- 
>>> Glen Mazza
>>> Talend Community Coders
>>> http://coders.talend.com
>>> blog: http://www.jroller.com/gmazza
>> >
> -- 
> Glen Mazza
> Talend Community Coders
> http://coders.talend.com
> blog: http://www.jroller.com/gmazza

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