I have the following portion of a Spring configuration file that I was using 
with CXF 2.4.2:
        <httpj:engine-factory >
                <httpj:engine port="9003" >
                        <httpj:threadingParameters minThreads="6"
                                maxThreads="16" />

There is a corresponding jaxws:endpoint that listens to a url on port 9003.  
When I updated to CXF 2.5.1, the server was acting like it never received the 
message yet "netstat -an | grep 9003" shows the port open and "telnet localhost 
9003" connects.  I changed nothing else but the CXF version by replacing my 
classpath with the cxf-manifest.jar from 2.5.1.

A little testing showed that it's the httpj:threadingParameters at fault.  If I 
remove it then the server gets connections on port 9003 just fine:
        <httpj:engine-factory >
                <httpj:engine port="9003" >

Anyone else run into this or have an idea?  Being able to set the maxThreads 
over the default of 15 is a useful thing so hopefully this can be made to work.


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