Got it to work Finally !!!!!

The problem was the inconsistent cxf libraries that were added as
dependecies. When I added camel-cxf library as dependecy, maven added
various cxf libraries as its dependent, which were older versions. Once I
manually updated those indirect dependent jar files the application worked

I will do some more investigation and try to find out exactly what are the
inconsistent and conflicting libraries.

But that atleast got me over this problem for now.

Thanks a lot Sergey for your patience and help.

On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 4:41 AM, Sergey Beryozkin <>wrote:

> On 01/08/12 22:24, java kurious wrote:
>> The option was supposed to override jersey libraries in Glassfish with
>> the ones in war.
>>  Did you try a hint from the CXF wiki on making sure CXF is used for
> JAX-WS ? This option that you tried first seemed to be the best one,
> the question is why disabling the overriding of RS packages affected the
> JAXWS client code, perhaps some extra configuration would do.
> Cheers, Sergey
>  As a last effort I removed all the jersey related jar files from
>> glassfish/modules directory and Started the glassfish. That made the
>> application work. But, it failed to start the glassfish admin console.
>> But that just hints back to the fact that jersey libraries in Glassfish
>> is causing the error.
>> Thanks
>> On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 5:50 AM, Sergey Beryozkin <
>> <>> wrote:
>>     Also see this section:
>> configuration-guide.html<>
>>     <**application-server-specific-**
>> configuration-guide.html<>
>> >
>>     for what may need to be done to make CXF JAX-WS work on Glassfish
>>     Sergey
>>     On 01/08/12 12:45, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
>>         Hi
>>         On 31/07/12 01:11, java kurious wrote:
>>             Hi Sergey,
>>             Thanks for bearing with me while I try to debug the problem,
>>             and help me
>>             move further.
>>             I disabled the jaxrs library being used by Glassfish by
>> setting
>>             following jvm option:
>>             -Dcom.sun.enterprise.__**overrideablejavaxpackages=java**
>> <>
>>             <>
>>             <>,
>>             <>.__rs.core,**
>>             That started to cause following problem at the time of
>>             deployment.
>>         I'm not sure setting the above property has anything to do with
>> the
>>         below exception, it's actually happening on the JAXWS client
>>         initialization path.
>>         The actual cause of it is not clear to me. It does seem like you
>>         have
>>         multiple CXF libraries in WEB-INF/libs, try to eliminate some
>>         obvious
>>         candidates. Example, you probably do not need a bundle jar if
>>         you also
>>         have individual module jars.
>>         Cheers, Sergey
>>             Caused by:
>>             org.springframework.beans.__**BeanInstantiationException:
>> Could
>>             not instantiate bean class
>>             [com.test.customer.manager.__**client.CusomerManagerClient]:
>>             Constructor
>>             threw exception; nested exception is
>>             java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
>>             org.apache.cxf.service.model._**
>> _InterfaceInfo.setDescription(**__Lorg/apache/cxf/service/**
>> model/__DescriptionInfo;)V
>>             at
>>             org.springframework.beans.__**BeanUtils.instantiateClass(__**
>>             at
>>             org.springframework.beans.__****
>> SimpleInstantiationStrategy.__**instantiate(__**
>> SimpleInstantiationStrategy.__**java:108)
>>             at
>>             org.springframework.beans.__****
>> ConstructorResolver.__**autowireConstructor(__**
>>             ... 56 more
>>             Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
>>             org.apache.cxf.service.model._**
>> _InterfaceInfo.setDescription(**__Lorg/apache/cxf/service/**
>> model/__DescriptionInfo;)V
>>             at
>>             org.apache.cxf.wsdl11.__**WSDLServiceBuilder.__**
>> buildInterface(__**
>>             at
>>             org.apache.cxf.wsdl11.__**WSDLServiceBuilder.__**
>> buildServices(__**
>>             at
>>             org.apache.cxf.wsdl11.__**WSDLServiceBuilder.__**
>> buildServices(__**
>>             at
>>             org.apache.cxf.wsdl11.__**WSDLServiceFactory.create(__**
>>             at
>>             org.apache.cxf.service.__**factory.__**
>> ReflectionServiceFactoryBean._**_buildServiceFromWSDL(__**
>> ReflectionServiceFactoryBean._**_java:383)
>>             at
>>             org.apache.cxf.service.__**factory.__**
>> ReflectionServiceFactoryBean._**_initializeServiceModel(__**
>> ReflectionServiceFactoryBean._**_java:506)
>>             at
>>             org.apache.cxf.service.__**factory.__**
>> ReflectionServiceFactoryBean._**_create(__**
>> ReflectionServiceFactoryBean._**_java:242)
>>             at
>>   **_JaxWsServiceFactoryBean.__**
>> create(__****_205)
>>             at
>>             org.apache.cxf.frontend.__**AbstractWSDLBasedEndpointFacto**
>> __ry.createEndpoint(__**AbstractWSDLBasedEndpointFacto**
>>             at
>>             org.apache.cxf.frontend.__**ClientFactoryBean.create(__**
>>             at
>>             org.apache.cxf.frontend.__**ClientProxyFactoryBean.create(**
>>             at
>>             org.apache.cxf.jaxws.__**JaxWsProxyFactoryBean.create(_**
>>             at
>>             org.apache.cxf.jaxws.__**ServiceImpl.createPort(__**
>>             at
>>             org.apache.cxf.jaxws.__**ServiceImpl.getPort(__**
>>             at
>>             org.apache.cxf.jaxws.__**ServiceImpl.getPort(__**
>>             at**
>>             I suspect that it is another mismatch of jar files, but I
>>             could not
>>             pinpoint the exact libraries that needs to be upgraded.
>>             Thanks again for the help so far.
>>             On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 3:08 PM, Sergey Beryozkin
>>             < <>
>>             < <>>**
>> >
>>             wrote:
>>             On 30/07/12 04:57, java kurious wrote:
>>             Ok, I confirmed that it is the problem with Glassfish 3.1. I
>>             deployed
>>             the same application on Tomcat, and it worked fine even with
>>             "text/html,
>>             image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2" header.
>>             Thanks for the confirmation
>>             Sergey
>>             Thanks
>>             On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 7:07 PM, Sergey Beryozkin
>>             < <>
>>             < <>>
>>             < <>
>>             <
>>             <>>**>__> wrote:
>>             Hi
>>             On 26/07/12 18:10, java kurious wrote:
>>             Hi Sergey,
>>             I continue to see the problem with status 406. Is there
>>             a way to
>>             intercept this request before JAXRSInInterceptor, and
>>             change the
>>             ACCEPT
>>             header ?
>>             I've missed your earlier email. I think the fact
>>             MediaTypeHeaderProvider is not called indicates you see Jersey
>>             libraries loaded (given it's Glassfish).
>>             Can you check in Debugger, use Display view, the stacktrace ?
>>             Please also check this email on the changes to do with
>> checking
>>             malformed types:
>>             http://cxf.547215.n5.nabble.__**____com/Media-type-separator-
>> **is-______missing-how-to-__**troubleshoot-____tt5711524.__**html
>>             <http://cxf.547215.n5.nabble._**___com/Media-type-separator-*
>> *is-____missing-how-to-**troubleshoot-____tt5711524.**html
>>             <http://cxf.547215.n5.nabble._**
>> _com/Media-type-separator-is-_**_missing-how-to-troubleshoot-_**
>> _tt5711524.html
>>             <http://cxf.547215.n5.nabble.**com/Media-type-separator-is-**
>> missing-how-to-troubleshoot-**tt5711524.html<>
>> >>>
>>             However, please verify first if Jersey is loaded and if yes
>>             then
>>             we'll find the way to bypass
>>             Sergey
>>             Thanks for your help.
>>             On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 6:35 PM, java kurious
>>             < <>
>>             < <>*
>> *>
>>             < <>
>>             < <>*
>> *>__>
>>             < <>
>>             < <>*
>> *>
>>             < <>
>>             <
>>             <>**>__>__>__>
>>             wrote:
>>             Ok, I have the source code downloaded, and I have
>>             the glassfish
>>             running from NetBeans. As you mentioned, I have
>>             left both
>>             cxf-bundle
>>             and cxf-rt-frontend-jaxrs as dependencies. When both
>>             libraries are
>>             present, / from
>>             cxf-rt-frontend-jaxrs gets
>>             called. I also put breakpoints in
>>   , but
>>             it does not seem to get called. Here are the steps I
>>             followed to
>>             start debugging.
>>             1.
>>             Started the Glassfish in Debug mode.
>>             2.
>>             Issued a request to the REST service.
>>             3.
>>             The code stops at /'s
>>             //*processRequest*//(Message msg) /method at
>>             following
>>             line://
>>             /try {/
>>             /acceptContentTypes =
>>             JAXRSUtils.sortMediaTypes(____**__acceptTypes);/
>>             /} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {/
>>             /throw new WebApplicationException(406);/
>>             /}/
>>             The Accept header was [text/html, image/gif,
>>             image/jpeg, *;
>>             q=.2,
>>             */*; q=.2].
>>             Let me know what specifically you want me to test.
>>             Thanks
>>             Vineet.
>>             On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 2:08 PM, Sergey Beryozkin
>>             < <>
>>             < <>>
>>             < <>
>>             < <>>**
>> >
>>             < <>
>>             < <>>
>>             < <>
>>             <
>>             <>>**>__>__>
>>             wrote:
>>             I can see the test (based on the embedded jetty)
>>             working just fine:
>>             ID: 1
>>             Address:
>> http://localhost:9002/________**bookstore/books/123<http://localhost:9002/________bookstore/books/123>
>> <http://localhost:9002/______**bookstore/books/123<http://localhost:9002/______bookstore/books/123>
>> >
>> <http://localhost:9002/______**bookstore/books/123<http://localhost:9002/______bookstore/books/123>
>> <http://localhost:9002/____**bookstore/books/123<http://localhost:9002/____bookstore/books/123>
>> >>
>> <http://localhost:9002/______**bookstore/books/123<http://localhost:9002/______bookstore/books/123>
>> <http://localhost:9002/____**bookstore/books/123<http://localhost:9002/____bookstore/books/123>
>> >
>> <http://localhost:9002/____**bookstore/books/123<http://localhost:9002/____bookstore/books/123>
>> <http://localhost:9002/__**bookstore/books/123<http://localhost:9002/__bookstore/books/123>
>> >>>
>> <http://localhost:9002/______**bookstore/books/123<http://localhost:9002/______bookstore/books/123>
>> <http://localhost:9002/____**bookstore/books/123<http://localhost:9002/____bookstore/books/123>
>> >
>> <http://localhost:9002/____**bookstore/books/123<http://localhost:9002/____bookstore/books/123>
>> <http://localhost:9002/__**bookstore/books/123<http://localhost:9002/__bookstore/books/123>
>> >>
>> <http://localhost:9002/____**bookstore/books/123<http://localhost:9002/____bookstore/books/123>
>> <http://localhost:9002/__**bookstore/books/123<http://localhost:9002/__bookstore/books/123>
>> >
>> <http://localhost:9002/__**bookstore/books/123<http://localhost:9002/__bookstore/books/123>
>> <http://localhost:9002/**bookstore/books/123<http://localhost:9002/bookstore/books/123>
>> >>>>
>>             Http-Method: GET
>>             Content-Type: */*
>>             Headers: {Accept=[text/html, image/gif,
>>             image/jpeg, *;
>>             q=.2,
>>             */*; q=.2], Cache-Control=[no-cache],
>>             connection=[keep-alive],
>>             content-type=[*/*], Host=[localhost:9002],
>>             Pragma=[no-cache],
>>             User-Agent=[Apache CXF ${project.version}]}
>>             and the response is getting is back...
>>             I wonder if Tomcat/Glassfish actually
>>             transforms the Accept
>>             values somehow afterwards, something subtle is
>>             causing
>>             the issue.
>>             Can you please help a bit with debugging it ?
>>             For a start you can probably drop either
>>             bundle or jaxrs
>>             frontend dependency, actually, do it after we
>>             sort out this
>>             issue :-)
>>             Can you download CXF 2.6.1 source:
>>   **
>> __remotecontent?filepath=org/_**_______apache/cxf/cxf-bundle/**
>> 2.6.__1/______cxf-bundle-2.6.**1-__sources.__jar<>
>>             <**
>> _remotecontent?filepath=org/__**____apache/cxf/cxf-bundle/2.6.**
>> 1/______cxf-bundle-2.6.1-**sources.__jar<>
>> >
>>             <**
>> _remotecontent?filepath=org/__**____apache/cxf/cxf-bundle/2.6.**
>> 1/______cxf-bundle-2.6.1-**sources.__jar<>
>>             <**remotecontent?filepath=org/___
>> **_apache/cxf/cxf-bundle/2.6.1/_**___cxf-bundle-2.6.1-sources.**jar<>
>> >>
>>             <**
>> _remotecontent?filepath=org/__**____apache/cxf/cxf-bundle/2.6.**
>> 1/______cxf-bundle-2.6.1-**sources.__jar<>
>>             <**remotecontent?filepath=org/___
>> **_apache/cxf/cxf-bundle/2.6.1/_**___cxf-bundle-2.6.1-sources.**jar<>
>> >
>>             <**remotecontent?filepath=org/___
>> **_apache/cxf/cxf-bundle/2.6.1/_**___cxf-bundle-2.6.1-sources.**jar<>
>>             <**remotecontent?filepath=org/__**
>> apache/cxf/cxf-bundle/2.6.1/__**cxf-bundle-2.6.1-sources.jar<>
>> >>**>
>>             <**
>> _remotecontent?filepath=org/__**____apache/cxf/cxf-bundle/2.6.**
>> 1/______cxf-bundle-2.6.1-**sources.__jar<>
>>             <**remotecontent?filepath=org/___
>> **_apache/cxf/cxf-bundle/2.6.1/_**___cxf-bundle-2.6.1-sources.**jar<>
>> >
>>             <**remotecontent?filepath=org/___
>> **_apache/cxf/cxf-bundle/2.6.1/_**___cxf-bundle-2.6.1-sources.**jar<>
>>             <**remotecontent?filepath=org/__**
>> apache/cxf/cxf-bundle/2.6.1/__**cxf-bundle-2.6.1-sources.jar<>
>> >>
>>             <**remotecontent?filepath=org/___
>> **_apache/cxf/cxf-bundle/2.6.1/_**___cxf-bundle-2.6.1-sources.**jar<>
>>             <**remotecontent?filepath=org/__**
>> apache/cxf/cxf-bundle/2.6.1/__**cxf-bundle-2.6.1-sources.jar<>
>> >
>>             <**remotecontent?filepath=org/__**
>> apache/cxf/cxf-bundle/2.6.1/__**cxf-bundle-2.6.1-sources.jar<>
>>             <**remotecontent?filepath=org/**
>> apache/cxf/cxf-bundle/2.6.1/**cxf-bundle-2.6.1-sources.jar<>
>> >>**>__>
>>             and set a breakpoint in
>>             org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.impl.____**____MediaTypeHeaderProvider,
>>             after the
>>             endpoint starts and then invoke on it ?
>>             I wonder what woukd actually happen...
>>             Thanks, Sergey
>>             On 19/07/12 18:38, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
>>             Hi,
>>             Yes, I see now...
>>             I have a few tests which seem to confirm
>>             it's been
>>             fixed,
>>             but I guess
>>             the code dealing with this case is a bit
>>             brittle.
>>             I'll experiment a bit more and will get
>>             back to you
>>             Thanks, Sergey
>>             On 19/07/12 18:22, java kurious wrote:
>>             Hi Sergey,
>>             I am implementing a REST web service using
>>             Camel and
>>             CXF. Following is
>>             the signature of the method.
>>             @GET
>>             @Path("/getCustomer")
>>             @Produces({"text/xml","text/__**
>> ______html","application/xml"}**)
>>             public Customer getCustomer(
>>             @PathParam("name") String name) {
>>             }
>>             Now, I could test the interface with
>>             Firefotx with
>>             success. But when a
>>             different WebClient connected to the same
>>             interface, It
>>             got a Status 406
>>             error. After looking at the log files,
>>             I noticed
>>             following in the
>>             server.log of glassfish.
>>             Accept=[text/html, image/gif,
>>             image/jpeg,*;
>>             q=.2, */*;
>>             q=.2],
>>             The single '*' is causing the problem.
>>             It is not an
>>             acceptable type to
>>             be specified as per the CXF user forum,
>>             http://cxf.547215.n5.nabble.__**______com/Jersey-CXF-____**
>> compatibility-____td5437938.__**__html
>>             <http://cxf.547215.n5.nabble._**_____com/Jersey-CXF-__**
>> compatibility-____td5437938.__**html
>>             <http://cxf.547215.n5.nabble._**___com/Jersey-CXF-**
>> compatibility-____td5437938.**html
>>             <http://cxf.547215.n5.nabble._**
>> _com/Jersey-CXF-compatibility-**__td5437938.html
>>             <http://cxf.547215.n5.nabble.**com/Jersey-CXF-compatibility-*
>> *td5437938.html<>
>> >>>>
>>             . To recreate this problem with
>>             Firefox browser, I
>>             changed the header
>>             that Firefox was sending to match the
>>             above
>>             header, and
>>             Firefox also
>>             failed with the same error. Once I
>>             changed* to
>>             */* in
>>             Firefox,
>>             everything started working again.
>>             Unfortunately, I can't
>>             do that with
>>             the WebClient connecting to my
>>             interface, as
>>             the code is
>>             not available.
>>             In the same forum,
>>             http://cxf.547215.n5.nabble.__**______com/Jersey-CXF-____**
>> compatibility-____td5437938.__**__html
>>             <http://cxf.547215.n5.nabble._**_____com/Jersey-CXF-__**
>> compatibility-____td5437938.__**html
>>             <http://cxf.547215.n5.nabble._**___com/Jersey-CXF-**
>> compatibility-____td5437938.**html
>>             <http://cxf.547215.n5.nabble._**
>> _com/Jersey-CXF-compatibility-**__td5437938.html
>>             <http://cxf.547215.n5.nabble.**com/Jersey-CXF-compatibility-*
>> *td5437938.html<>
>> >>>>,
>>             you had mentioned that this '*' issue
>>             should be
>>             fixed.
>>             So, my question
>>             was if this was indeed fixed.
>>             _Following is the trace I have from
>>             Glassfish
>>             Server log. _
>>             INFO: DEBUG [http-thread-pool-8080(1)]
>>             ( -
>>             Service http request on thread:
>>             Thread[http-thread-pool-8080(_**_______1),5,grizzly-kernel]
>>             INFO: DEBUG [http-thread-pool-8080(1)]
>>             (**________192) - Create
>>             a new
>>             message for processing
>>             INFO: DEBUG [http-thread-pool-8080(1)]
>>             ( - Request
>>             Headers: {Accept=[text/html, image/gif,
>>             image/jpeg, *;
>>             q=.2, */*; q=.2],
>>             accept-charset=[ISO-8859-1,___**_____utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7],
>>             accept-encoding=[gzip,deflate]**________,
>>             accept-language=[en,en-gb;q=0.**________7,en-us;q=0.3],
>>             cache-control=[max-age=0],
>>             connection=[keep-alive],
>>             Content-Type=[null],
>>             host=[localhost:8080],
>>             keep-alive=[115],
>>             user-agent=[Mozilla/5.0 (X11;
>>             U; Linux
>>             i686; en-US;
>>             rv: Gecko/20110323
>>             Ubuntu/10.04 (lucid)
>>             Firefox/3.6.16]}
>>             INFO: DEBUG [http-thread-pool-8080(1)]
>>             (**______205)
>>             - Adding interceptor
>>             org.apache.cxf.transport._____**___https.________**
>> CertConstraintsInterceptor@___**_____f6c321
>>             to
>>             phase pre-stream
>>             INFO: DEBUG [http-thread-pool-8080(1)]
>>             (**______674)
>>             - Chain
>>             org.apache.cxf.phase.________**PhaseInterceptorChain@10a516fwas
>>             created.
>>             Current flow:
>>             receive [PolicyInInterceptor]
>>             pre-stream [CertConstraintsInterceptor]
>>             unmarshal [JAXRSInInterceptor]
>>             pre-logical [OneWayProcessorInterceptor]
>>             invoke [ServiceInvokerInterceptor]
>>             post-invoke [OutgoingChainInterceptor]
>>             INFO: DEBUG [http-thread-pool-8080(1)]
>>             (**______259)
>>             - Invoking handleMessage on interceptor
>>   **
>> ___PolicyInInterceptor@1b7aa8e
>>             INFO: DEBUG [http-thread-pool-8080(1)]
>>             (**______259)
>>             - Invoking handleMessage on interceptor
>>             org.apache.cxf.transport._____**___https.________**
>> CertConstraintsInterceptor@___**_____f6c321
>>             INFO: DEBUG [http-thread-pool-8080(1)]
>>             (**______259)
>>             - Invoking handleMessage on interceptor
>>             org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.________**interceptor.________**
>> JAXRSInInterceptor@2bc9ae
>>             INFO: DEBUG [http-thread-pool-8080(1)]
>>             (________**WebApplicationExceptionMapper.**________java:62) -
>>             WebApplicationException has
>>             been caught, status: 406
>>    <> <>
>>             <>
>>             <>.________**WebApplicationException
>>             at
>>             org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.________**interceptor.________**
>> JAXRSInInterceptor.________**processRequest(________**
>>             at
>>             org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.________**interceptor.________**
>> JAXRSInInterceptor.________**handleMessage(________**
>>             at
>>             org.apache.cxf.phase.________**PhaseInterceptorChain.________
>> **doIntercept(________****_____262)
>>             at
>>             org.apache.cxf.transport._____**
>> ___ChainInitiationObserver.___**_____onMessage(________**
>>             at
>>             org.apache.cxf.transport.http.**________**
>> AbstractHTTPDestination.______**__invoke(________**
>>             at
>>             org.apache.cxf.transport._____**
>> ___servlet.ServletController._**_______invokeDestination(_____**
>>             at
>>             org.apache.cxf.transport._____**
>> ___servlet.ServletController._**_______invoke(**
>> ServletController.__java:_____**_154)
>>             at
>>             org.apache.cxf.transport._____**___servlet.**
>> CXFNonSpringServlet.________**invoke(__CXFNonSpringServlet._**
>> _______java:129)
>>             at
>>             org.apache.cxf.transport._____**___servlet.**
>> AbstractHTTPServlet.________**handleRequest(________**
>>             at
>>             org.apache.cxf.transport._____**___servlet.**
>> AbstractHTTPServlet.________**doGet(__AbstractHTTPServlet.__**
>> ______java:115)
>>             at
>>             javax.servlet.http.________**HttpServlet.service(________**
>>             at
>>             org.apache.cxf.transport._____**___servlet.**
>> AbstractHTTPServlet.________**service(__AbstractHTTPServlet.**
>> ________java:166)
>>             at
>>             org.apache.catalina.core._____**
>> ___StandardWrapper.service(___****1542)
>>             at
>>             org.apache.catalina.core._____**___StandardWrapperValve.**
>> invoke(________**StandardWrapperValve.__java:__**281)
>>             at
>>             org.apache.catalina.core._____**___StandardContextValve.**
>> invoke(________**StandardContextValve.__java:__**175)
>>             at
>>             org.apache.catalina.core._____**
>> ___StandardPipeline.doInvoke(_****655)
>>             at
>>             org.apache.catalina.core._____**
>> ___StandardPipeline.invoke(___****595)
>>             at
>>             org.apache.catalina.core._____**
>> ___StandardHostValve.invoke(__****161)
>>             at
>>             org.apache.catalina.connector.**________CoyoteAdapter.**
>> doService(________**
>>             at
>>             org.apache.catalina.connector.**
>> ________CoyoteAdapter.service(****231)
>>             at
>>             com.sun.enterprise.v3.________**
>> services.impl.ContainerMapper$****
>>             at
>>             com.sun.enterprise.v3.________**
>> services.impl.ContainerMapper.**________service(**
>> ContainerMapper.______java:__**195)
>>             at
>>             com.sun.grizzly.http.________**ProcessorTask.invokeAdapter(__
>> **
>>             at
>>             com.sun.grizzly.http.________**ProcessorTask.doProcess(______
>> **
>>             at
>>             com.sun.grizzly.http.________**ProcessorTask.process(________
>> **
>>             at
>>             com.sun.grizzly.http.________**DefaultProtocolFilter.execute(
>> **________DefaultProtocolFilter.**____java:____228)
>>             at
>>             com.sun.grizzly.________**DefaultProtocolChain.________**
>> executeProtocolFilter(________**
>>             at
>>             com.sun.grizzly.________**DefaultProtocolChain.execute(_**
>> _______DefaultProtocolChain.__**java:____104)
>>             at
>>             com.sun.grizzly.________**DefaultProtocolChain.execute(_**
>> _______DefaultProtocolChain.__**java:__90)
>>             at
>>             com.sun.grizzly.http.________**HttpProtocolChain.execute(____
>> **
>>             at
>>             com.sun.grizzly.________**ProtocolChainContextTask._____**
>> ___doCall(________****________54)
>>             at
>>             com.sun.grizzly.________****
>> _______**SelectionKeyContextTask.____**java:____59)
>>             at
>>             com.sun.grizzly.ContextTask.__**
>> ______run(
>>             at
>>             com.sun.grizzly.util.________**AbstractThreadPool$Worker.____
>> **____doWork(AbstractThreadPool.**________java:532)
>>             at
>>             com.sun.grizzly.util.________**AbstractThreadPool$
>> **________AbstractThreadPool.**java:____513)
>>             at
>>   **______java:722)
>>             INFO: DEBUG [http-thread-pool-8080(1)]
>>             (**______259)
>>             - Invoking handleMessage on interceptor
>>             org.apache.cxf.interceptor.___**_____**
>> OneWayProcessorInterceptor@___**_____1823fd1
>>             INFO: DEBUG [http-thread-pool-8080(1)]
>>             (**______259)
>>             - Invoking handleMessage on interceptor
>>             org.apache.cxf.interceptor.___**_____**
>> ServiceInvokerInterceptor@____**____11e787e
>>             INFO: DEBUG [http-thread-pool-8080(1)]
>>             (**______259)
>>             - Invoking handleMessage on interceptor
>>             org.apache.cxf.interceptor.___**
>> _____OutgoingChainInterceptor@**________178c3da
>>             INFO: DEBUG [http-thread-pool-8080(1)]
>>             (OutgoingChainInterceptor.____**____java:176) -
>>             Interceptors
>>             contributed by bus:
>>             [**____PolicyOutInterceptor@**
>> 1351523__]
>>             INFO: DEBUG [http-thread-pool-8080(1)]
>>             (OutgoingChainInterceptor.____**____java:180) -
>>             Interceptors
>>             contributed by
>>             service: []
>>             INFO: DEBUG [http-thread-pool-8080(1)]
>>             (OutgoingChainInterceptor.____**____java:184) -
>>             Interceptors
>>             contributed by
>>             endpoint:
>>             [org.apache.cxf.interceptor.__**______**
>> MessageSenderInterceptor@_____**___1fec925]
>>             INFO: DEBUG [http-thread-pool-8080(1)]
>>             (OutgoingChainInterceptor.____**____java:190) -
>>             Interceptors
>>             contributed by
>>             binding:
>>             [org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.________**interceptor.________**
>> JAXRSOutInterceptor@47dcc2]
>>             INFO: DEBUG [http-thread-pool-8080(1)]
>>             (**______674)
>>             - Chain
>>             org.apache.cxf.phase.________**PhaseInterceptorChain@90d38was
>>             created.
>>             Current flow:
>>             setup [PolicyOutInterceptor]
>>             prepare-send [MessageSenderInterceptor]
>>             marshal [JAXRSOutInterceptor]
>>             INFO: DEBUG [http-thread-pool-8080(1)]
>>             (**______259)
>>             - Invoking handleMessage on interceptor
>>   **___PolicyOutInterceptor@**
>> 1351523
>>             INFO: DEBUG [http-thread-pool-8080(1)]
>>             ( -
>>             No binding operation info.
>>             INFO: DEBUG [http-thread-pool-8080(1)]
>>             (**______259)
>>             - Invoking handleMessage on interceptor
>>             org.apache.cxf.interceptor.___**
>> _____MessageSenderInterceptor@**________1fec925
>>             INFO: DEBUG [http-thread-pool-8080(1)]
>>             (**______205)
>>             - Adding interceptor
>>             org.apache.cxf.interceptor.___**
>> _____MessageSenderInterceptor$**__________**
>> MessageSenderEndingInterceptor**________@9e362f
>>             to phase prepare-send-ending
>>             INFO: DEBUG [http-thread-pool-8080(1)]
>>             (**______672)
>>             - Chain
>>             org.apache.cxf.phase.________**PhaseInterceptorChain@90d38was
>>             modified.
>>             Current flow:
>>             setup [PolicyOutInterceptor]
>>             prepare-send [MessageSenderInterceptor]
>>             marshal [JAXRSOutInterceptor]
>>             prepare-send-ending
>>             [________**MessageSenderEndingInterceptor**________]
>>             INFO: DEBUG [http-thread-pool-8080(1)]
>>             (**______259)
>>             - Invoking handleMessage on interceptor
>>             org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.________**interceptor.________**
>> JAXRSOutInterceptor@47dcc2
>>             INFO: DEBUG [http-thread-pool-8080(1)]
>>             (**______259)
>>             - Invoking handleMessage on interceptor
>>             org.apache.cxf.interceptor.___**
>> _____MessageSenderInterceptor$**__________**
>> MessageSenderEndingInterceptor**________@9e362f
>>             INFO: DEBUG [http-thread-pool-8080(1)]
>>             ( -
>>             Finished servicing http request on thread:
>>             Thread[http-thread-pool-8080(_**_______1),5,grizzly-kernel]
>>             Thanks again for your help.
>>             On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 12:54 PM,
>>             Sergey Beryozkin
>>             < <>
>>             < <>>
>>             < <>
>>             < <>>**
>> >
>>             < <>
>>             < <>>
>>             < <>
>>             < <>>**
>> >__>
>>             < <>
>>             < <>>
>>             < <>
>>             < <>>**
>> >
>>             < <>
>>             < <>>
>>             < <>
>>             <
>>             <>>**>__>__>__>
>>             wrote:
>>             Hi,
>>             On 19/07/12 17:37, java kurious wrote:
>>             I am getting following 406 error when
>>             sending a
>>             request to a
>>             REST service.
>>             [#|2012-07-19T11:00:50.226-___**
>> _______0400|INFO|glassfish3.1.**1|__________javax.enterprise._**
>> _system.__std.______com.sun.__**enterprise.__server.________**
>> logging|___ThreadID=128;______**_____ThreadName=Thread-2;|**DEBUG
>>             [http-thread-pool-28181(4)]
>>             (__________**WebApplicationExceptionMapper.**__________java:62)
>> -
>>             *WebApplicationException
>>             has been caught, status: 406*
>>    <> <>
>>             <>
>>             <>
>>             <>._________**_WebApplicationException
>>             at
>>             org.apache.cxf.jaxrs._________**_interceptor.__________**
>> JAXRSInInterceptor.__________**processRequest(__________**
>>             at
>>             org.apache.cxf.jaxrs._________**_interceptor.__________**
>> JAXRSInInterceptor.__________**handleMessage(__________**
>>             INFO: DEBUG [http-thread-pool-8080(5)]
>>             ( - Request
>>             Headers: {*Accept=[text/html, image/gif,
>>             image/jpeg, *;
>>             q=.2,
>>             */*; q=.2*],
>>             accept-charset=[ISO-8859-1,___**_______utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7],
>>             accept-encoding=[gzip,deflate]**__________,
>>             accept-language=[en,en-gb;q=0.**__________7,en-us;q=0.3],
>>             cache-control=[max-age=0],
>>             connection=[keep-alive],
>>             Content-Type=[null],
>>             host=[localhost:8080],
>>             keep-alive=[115],
>>             user-agent=[Mozilla/5.0 (X11;
>>             U; Linux
>>             i686;
>>             en-US;
>>             rv: Gecko/20110323
>>             Ubuntu/10.04 (lucid)
>>             Firefox/3.6.16]}
>>             Can you provide a bit more info please ?
>>             There has to be some more debug statements
>>             showing which
>>             resource
>>             methods have been checked.
>>             How does the resource method signature
>>             look
>>             like ? I can
>>             see a
>>             wilcard (*/*) available in Accept, but
>>             what may
>>             happen
>>             for example
>>             is that some bean is returned but say
>>             it can not be
>>             handled by JAXB, etc
>>             Cheers, Sergey
>>             I saw the discussion on following link:
>>             http://cxf.547215.n5.nabble.__**________com/Jersey-CXF-______
>> **compatibility-____td5437938.__**____html
>>             <http://cxf.547215.n5.nabble._**_______com/Jersey-CXF-____**
>> compatibility-____td5437938.__**__html
>>             <http://cxf.547215.n5.nabble._**_____com/Jersey-CXF-__**
>> compatibility-____td5437938.__**html
>>             <http://cxf.547215.n5.nabble._**___com/Jersey-CXF-**
>> compatibility-____td5437938.**html
>>             <http://cxf.547215.n5.nabble._**
>> _com/Jersey-CXF-compatibility-**__td5437938.html
>>             <http://cxf.547215.n5.nabble.**com/Jersey-CXF-compatibility-*
>> *td5437938.html<>
>> >>>>>
>>             I am wondering if the fix has been
>>             made and if
>>             so, which jar
>>             file do I need
>>             to upgrade. Following are the direct
>>             dependencies I have
>>             declared related
>>             to cxf:
>>             <dependency>
>>             <groupId>org.apache.camel</___**_______groupId>
>>             <artifactId>camel-cxf</_______**___artifactId>
>>             <version>2.9.1</version>
>>             </dependency>
>>             <dependency>
>>             <groupId>org.apache.camel</___**_______groupId>
>>             <artifactId>camel-cxf-________**__transport</artifactId>
>>             <version>2.9.1</version>
>>             </dependency>
>>             <dependency>
>>             <groupId>org.apache.cxf</_____**_____groupId>
>>             <artifactId>cxf-rt-frontend-__**________jaxrs</artifactId>
>>             <version>2.6.1</version>
>>             </dependency>
>>             <dependency>
>>             <groupId>org.apache.cxf</_____**_____groupId>
>>             <artifactId>cxf-bundle</______**____artifactId>
>>             <version>2.6.1</version>
>>             </dependency>
>>             Thanks for any help.
>>             --
>>             Sergey Beryozkin
>>             Talend Community Coders
>>             Blog:
>>     --
>>     Sergey Beryozkin
>>     Talend Community Coders
>>     Blog:
> --
> Sergey Beryozkin
> Talend Community Coders
> Blog:

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