Can you actually set a threadSafe flag on the factory before creating a proxy ? If you have a proxy reused by multiple threads and invoking multiple methods on it there are likely to be some side-effects. I'm not 100% yet that is the cause of the problem but I;d like you to confirm that you are seeing the same problem even of you set a flag

Thanks, Sergey

On 27/04/15 16:31, Veit Guna wrote:
Hi Sergey.

I've tested some more. It seems that it is not only related to DELETE requests.
I've isolated the problem into the following:

- created an endpoint that simply takes an ID and stores it in a HashSet
- if an entry already exists, it fails with an Exception (to demonstrate 
duplicate requests)
- the endpoint always returns 404
- the test method (50 parallel threads, 50 invocations)
       - loops 10 times over:
       - performs a GET request to the endpoint using a newly generated uuid, 
within a try catch NotFoundException block.
       - performs a 2nd GET request using a new uuid, within a try catch 
NotFoundException block

If all goes well, the test should be ok.
But in my case, the same request (same UUID) came in 5 times and returned HTTP 
500 (Exception due to duplicate UUIDs).

That means, that if you have 2 invocations on a proxy, and the 2nd returns an 
Exception (e.g. NotFound) , it seems to send one of the requests again to the 

Can you confirm that behavior?


Gesendet: Montag, 27. April 2015 um 13:25 Uhr
Von: "Sergey Beryozkin" <sberyoz...@gmail.com>
An: users@cxf.apache.org
Betreff: Re: CXF JAX-RS client proxy and duplicate requests under load

So even though the client proxy calls delete() only once you still see a
DELETE request coming twice to the server.
The initial question: Do you observe it for delete() only ?

Thanks, Sergey

On 27/04/15 11:28, Veit Guna wrote:

I'm using Apache CXF 3.0.4 in client JAX-RS proxy mode to access my services on 
the server via annotated server interfaces.
Under normal operation, this works so far.

Now, I've created a testcase that:

- create a proxy with JAXRSClientFactory.create()
- creates 10 resources
- gets the 10 resources
- updates the 10 resources
- deletes the 10 resources.

All above sequentially executed. Works when simply executed.

Now I've configured TestNG to execute this test method with 50 threads and 50 
invocations concurrently.
Every now and then, it happens that the testcase fails with an HTTP 500 error.

I've checked the server logs and I can see, that a DELETE request for the same 
resource comes in twice in
a distance of approx. 20 msecs. Of course, only one request succeeds, the other 

I've created logging on the testcase client side and I can confirm, that 
delete() is only called once on
the CXF client proxy. So I'm wondering, why the client generates two requests. 
Any idea what is happening there?

I also enabled the CXF logging on client side via cxf.xml and I can see:

- DELETE request is send (ID: 1779)
- Response HTTP 500 is returned (ID: 1779)
- DELETE request is send? (ID: 1779 - SAME id?! Logged as "Inbound Message")
- No response. No further ID 1779.

The server side logging looks like this

- DELETE comes in (thread 437)
20ms later
- DELETE comes in (thread 521)
2secs later
- thread 521 completes successfully with HTTP 204.
- thread 437 throws HTTP 500.

What I'm wondering is, how the order gets mixed up. Any idea how that can 

Here are detailed extractions from the logs:

--cut here--
Client side:

11:31:16,662 INFO [] [LoggingOutInterceptor:250] - Outbound Message
ID: 1779
Http-Method: DELETE
Content-Type: application/xml
Headers: {Content-Type=[application/xml], Accept=[text/plain], 
Authorization=[Basic ZmlsZW5zaGFyZTpzZWNyZXQ=]}
11:31:18,776 INFO [] [LoggingInInterceptor:250] - Inbound Message
ID: 1779
Response-Code: 500
Encoding: ISO-8859-1
Content-Type: application/json
Headers: {connection=[close], Content-Length=[308], 
content-type=[application/json], Date=[Mon, 27 Apr 2015 09:31:18 GMT], 
Payload: {
11:31:18,776 INFO [] [LoggingInInterceptor:250] - Inbound Message
ID: 1779
Http-Method: DELETE
Content-Type: application/xml
Headers: {Content-Type=[application/xml], Accept=[text/plain], 
Authorization=[Basic ZmlsZW5zaGFyZTpzZWNyZXQ=]}

Server side:

Apr 27, 2015 11:31:16 AM org.glassfish.jersey.filter.LoggingFilter log
INFO: 33572 * Server has received a request on thread http-bio-8080-exec-437
33572 > DELETE 
33572 > accept: text/plain
33572 > authorization: Basic something=
33572 > cache-control: no-cache
33572 > connection: keep-alive
33572 > content-type: */*
33572 > host: localhost:8080
33572 > pragma: no-cache
33572 > user-agent: Apache CXF 3.0.4

20ms between them

Apr 27, 2015 11:31:16 AM org.glassfish.jersey.filter.LoggingFilter log
INFO: 33573 * Server has received a request on thread http-bio-8080-exec-521
33573 > DELETE 
33573 > accept: text/plain
33573 > authorization: Basic something=
33573 > cache-control: no-cache
33573 > connection: keep-alive
33573 > content-type: */*
33573 > host: localhost:8080
33573 > pragma: no-cache
33573 > user-agent: Apache CXF 3.0.4

Apr 27, 2015 11:31:18 AM org.glassfish.jersey.filter.LoggingFilter log
INFO: 33654 * Server responded with a response on thread http-bio-8080-exec-521
33654 < 204

Apr 27, 2015 11:31:18 AM org.glassfish.jersey.filter.LoggingFilter log
INFO: 33669 * Server responded with a response on thread http-bio-8080-exec-437
33669 < 500
33669 < Content-Type: application/json
someerror json
--cut here--


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