
I'm using Apache CXF 3.1.4 with JAX-RS 2.0 client side proxies against a
REST service which uses Jersey 2.19 under JDK8.
The client side uses CXF to generate the client proxies from the server
interfaces. The server interface has a method that
has a @BeanParam in its signature.

Calling this method from the client side worked without a problem.

Now, I introduced inheritance on that @BeanParam POJO. Switched the
server side method signature to the new @BeanParam subclass
and invoked the method from the client side with the new subclass.

The result is, that attributes from the subclass are received on the
server, but not the attributes from the superclass. Somehow they
get lost. Getter/Setter on the @BeanParam's classes are in place.

Any idea what goes wrong?


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