On 17.08.2016 16:06, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:

As I said the intermediate change I proposed for 3.2.0 will help users start working with your interceptors *faster*. The fact that 2 users in this thread have been 'surprised' by new logging interceptors should send a message that lots of users continue working with the original interceptors - they may not see the advanced features you worked upon in the old interceptors but they are fine.

Effectively there are 2 stages in the migration effort: 1) moving to new nice configuration properties and 2) new package.

What I suggested will let migrate users to 1) in 3.2.0 immediately,
and with the default constructors just added - seamlessly.

Then in 4.0.0 if you think it is needed the core package can be removed, the code put back into 'ext'. And have the stage 2) completed

If you are not convinced then I'm fine too. I won't be spending more time trying to convince. And sorry if I'm being ignorant of the proper versioning policies I know you are very good at them :-)

I would rather like to avoid moving the code around as it introduces instability. Apart from that I would also rather not fiddle with the old logging code. People are used to how it works and what kind of messages it produces. So I propose to simply deprecate it and not change it any more during 3.x apart from important bug fixes of course.

The fact that most people seems to not have noticed the new logging at all is a problem of course but I think we can announce it a bit better. We could also log a message when the old logging starts up that says that this is deprecated and people should move to the new logging module.


Christian Schneider

Open Source Architect

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