

I am integrating WCF client with CXF web service using JAX-WS.


A certificate with issuer that includes an email option "E=em...@email.com
<mailto:E=em...@email.com> " is sent from the client to the server with the
issue name as part of the security header in the message.


<KeyInfo xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#";>




         <X509IssuerName>E=em...@email.com <mailto:E=em...@email.com>    ..


But X500Princpal.Java  currently does not accept E as a valid type so the
request fails throwing an exception in X500Principal.java 


java.io.IOException: Invalid keyword "E"


..NET WCF does not replace the issuer name in the header with an RDN -
1.2.840.113549.1.9.1 if it did that it should work.


But I am looking for a work around here.  Has anyone ran into this issue?



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