Just out of curiosity, what does Swagger set the XML Object's namespace to ? Is it initialized ?

On 04/12/17 06:03, nino martinez wael wrote:
Okay so I've looked into this a bit. And turned the problem upside down. Instead of trying to make the cxf swagger feature use jackson, just taking a look at the outcome and play around trying to change it.. Again if there is any way to see what the swagger feature plugin are using runtime to process file with, it would very helpfull..

It seems that the swagger feature are partially ignoring my annotations, so picking up @xmlrootelement but partially ignoring the list annotations..

@XmlRootElement(name = "contacts")
public class MinimalContactWrapper {

     @XmlElementWrapper(name = "wrap")
     @XmlElement(name = "minimalcontact")
     private List<MinimalContact> contactList;

     public List<MinimalContact> getMinimalContacts() {
         return contactList;

     public void setMinimalContacts(List<MinimalContact> minimalContacts) {
         this.contactList = minimalContacts;



@XmlRootElement(name ="contacts")
public class MinimalContactWrapper {

     @XmlElementRef(name ="minimalContact")
@Size(min =1)
     private List<MinimalContact>minimalContacts=new ArrayList<>();

     public List<MinimalContact> getMinimalContacts() {
         return minimalContacts;

     public void setMinimalContacts(List<MinimalContact> minimalContacts) {
         this.minimalContacts = minimalContacts;


Made the xml results required equal in the swagger feature to what CXF and enunciate feels it should be... Namely this:


Instead of something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 1:43 PM, nino martinez wael < <>> wrote:

    No change without setting swagger2customizer..

    I'll let it rest for a day..

    On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 1:30 PM, nino martinez wael
    < <>>

        yup have set

        But no matter what I do it has no effect on what the swagger
        feature generates.. Where it's changing the json provider or
        removing it all together..

        Trying it now without setting swagger2Customizer..

        On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 1:04 PM, Sergey Beryozkin
        < <>> wrote:

            Just FYI, removing Jettison lib will ensure it's not
            auto-installed by CXF, and if it is not possible to remove
            then the other option is to set
            a "
            <>gistration" bus property.

            However it's not related to Swagger at all, Jettison if
            installed will only affect the way JSON is generated for
            service responses


            On 30/11/17 11:57, nino martinez wael wrote:

                It does not seem to be a jettison problem.. And neither
                an problem with
                jackson versions, I just wiped all jettison and
                jackson(except 2.9.1 )
                versions from my running environment..

                Looking into of it could be something with
                JacksonJaxbJsonProvider vs

                On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 12:45 PM, nino martinez wael <
                <>> wrote:

                    IS there somewhere while on runtime where I can
                    print current registered
                    providers for cxf, I have a feeling that it somehow
                    are using jettison for

                    On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 12:17 PM, nino martinez wael <
                    <>> wrote:

                        Okay I will check into libraries whats on class
                        path.. I have the same
                        gut feeling that it could be something like that.

                        I have enunciate up and working on the side..

                        On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 11:18 AM, Sergey
                        Beryozkin <

                            Yes, the minor Swagger version caused this
                            change, what was working
                            3.1.x, specifically the serializers
                            approach, was not working any longer
                            with the new Swagger version, hence this update.

                            I honestly do not know why exactly a JAXB
                            annotated bean is not
                            correctly represented in the
                            Swagger-generated #definitions, it's obviously
                            something to do with the way Jackson and
                            JAXB interacts.
                            Perhaps Jackson you register with DOSGI is
                            not the same version
                            installed by the CXF swagger2 feature,
                            perhaps some diff JAXB versions are
                            involved, please keep experimenting




                                I think this could be the same:

                                Swagger2Customizer swagger2Customizer =
                                new Swagger2Customizer();


                                I have setup CXF to use JACKSON

                                How can I tell swagger to do the same? I
                                think that's the problem..

                                regards Nino

                                On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 10:50 AM, nino
                                martinez wael <

                                Im wondering if this could be the problem :


                                    On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 10:38 AM,
                                    nino martinez wael <

                                    So I have a bean CXF accepts only
                                    this interpretation for my endpoint:

                                               "contactList": [
                                                       "campaignId": "2",
                                                       "indexNumber": "",
                                                       "queueNumber": "0",
                                                       "balance": 0,
                                                       "address": "string",
                                                       "zipCode": "string",
                                                       "city": "string",
                                                       "homePhone": "+4521",
                                                       "campaing": "string",


                                        However the swagger feature are
                                        generating this as example:

                                             "minimalContacts": [
                                                 "campaignId": "string",
                                                 "id": 0,
                                                 "indexNumber": "string",
                                                 "accountNumber": "string",
                                                 "queueNumber": "string",
                                                 "balance": 0,
                                                 "firstName1": "string",
                                                 "lastName1": "string",
                                                 "firstName2": "string",
                                                 "lastName2": "string",
                                                 "address": "string",
                                                 "zipCode": "string",
                                                 "city": "string",
                                                 "homePhone": "string",
                                                 "mobilePhone": "string",
                                                 "campaing": "string",
                                                 "dateForExtract": "string"


                                        @XmlRootElement(name = "contacts")
                                        public class MinimalContactWrapper {

                                               @Size(min = 1)
                                        contactList=new ArrayList<>();

                                        getMinimalContacts() {
                                                   return contactList;

                                               public void
                                        minimalContacts) {
                                                   this.contactList =


                                        public class MinimalContact {

                                               @Size(min=1, max=240)
                                               private String campaignId;

                                               private Long id;
                                               @Size(min=1, max=240)
                                               private String indexNumber;
                                               @Size(min=1, max=20)
                                               private String accountNumber;
                                               @Size(min=1, max=8)
                                               private String queueNumber;

                                               private Float balance;

                                               @Size(min=0, max=11)
                                               private String

                                               @Size(min=0, max=55)
                                               private String firstName1;

                                               @Size(min=0, max=55)
                                               private String lastName1;

                                               @Size(min=0, max=11)
                                               private String

                                               private String firstName2;

                                               private String lastName2;

                                               private String address;

                                               private String zipCode;
                                               private String city;

                                               @Size(min=0, max=20)
                                               private String homePhone;

                                               @Size(min=0, max=20)
                                               private String mobilePhone;

                                               private String campaing;

                                               private String

                                        Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
                                        Nino Martinez

                                    Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
                                    Nino Martinez

                        Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
                        Nino Martinez

                    Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
                    Nino Martinez

-- Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
        Nino Martinez

-- Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
    Nino Martinez

Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
Nino Martinez

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