So it turns out that memory wasn't actually growing.  Instead, the openshift 
deployment we were using was based on a very low metaspace sizing with a hard 
upper limit.  This was missed, and I'm not sure why they put this limit in but 
they do.  We see steady memory usage now after giving it a slight bump (30%).


On 2018/12/25 21:39:35, Andrei Shakirin <> wrote: 
> Hi,
> I find strange that memory usage grows. Could you provide a short code 
> snippet how you invoke the client?
> As a solution: in most of cases the client proxies are thread safe and can be 
> reused for concurrent calls - it can improve performance and memory in your 
> case.
> If you are applying request specific settings in 
> ((BindingProvider)proxy).getRequestContext(), it is possible to activate 
> thread local context:
> ((BindingProvider)proxy).getRequestContext().put("thread.local.request.context",
>  "true");
> Take a look into 
> For the 
> further details.
> Regards,
> Andrei.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: John D. Ament []
> > Sent: Dienstag, 18. Dezember 2018 05:31
> > To:
> > Subject: Memory usage while working with SOAP Client Proxies
> >
> > I'm using CXF 3.2.7 to communicate with SOAP services.  I generate client 
> > stubs
> > using wsdl2java.  My applicates run on Kubernetes and we use pretty small
> > deployments.  We recently saw that at times we run out of metaspace and can
> > see higher memory usage after a few invocations of the soap client.
> >
> > Based on JAX-WS recommendations, I use the service as a per request model,
> > and throw away the service when the request is done; no concurrency.
> > However based on my findings it seems like new classes are being defined 
> > with
> > each invocation.  Is there a way to tell CXF to reuse the class definition 
> > instead
> > of creating a new one per invocation?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > John
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> our systems. Please see our contacts privacy notice at Talend, Inc. 
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