org.apache.cxf.service.factory.ServiceConstructionException: Could not find 
portType named 
An exception occured while executing the Java class. Could not find portType 

    On Monday, November 18, 2019, 03:32:28 PM EST, John F. Berry 
<> wrote:  
  a WSDL online analyzer warned of this vendor's "snake case".. and I noticed 
that all the classes made from this WSDL are missing the "_" in all the 
names... except that maven claims it cannot find "Resource_Management" 
porttype.. could it be looking for the underscore in the name it eliminated???

    On Friday, November 15, 2019, 1:41:35 PM EST, John F. Berry 
<> wrote:  
 In my camel project, I have used the wsdl2java to generate my classes off of a 
vendor provided wsdl.  Perhaps it is a malformed cxf endpoint.. but it 
currently is just complaining of the portType.the -impl is under extraargs in 
the plug in.. and no change to the error.. other than giving me hundreds of 
warnings about services in the wsdl that cannot be unwrapped.  There's hundreds 
of services in this wsdl.I've seen many unanswered threads in a websearch, so 
perhaps the right question is not being asked.I am using cxf to produce a SOAP 
request from a vendor provided wsdl.. what could I be missing?
The publicly available wsdl is here:
and I am attempting to call the "Put_Procurement_Document_Attachment" request 
within that.  I am attempting to send this to a mock service with SoapUI on a 
test server like this:

 Other people in my shop have complained that something's just not right with 
this WSDL....  I thought I'd upload it to an online checker to verify 
complaince... It mostly checks out (besides all the snake case).. but it also 
reported that this is a SOAP 1.1 WDSL.. Could this be my problem?

Any flags jump out to anyone?Thanks!


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