Could you put together a test-case using CXF that shows the problem?


On Mon, Nov 18, 2019 at 10:32 PM John F. Berry <>

>  org.apache.cxf.service.factory.ServiceConstructionException: Could not
> find portType named
> {urn:com.workday/bsvc/Resource_Management}PutProcurementDocumentAttachmentRequestTypePortType
> An exception occured while executing the Java class. Could not find
> portType named
> {urn:com.workday/bsvc/Resource_Management}PutProcurementDocumentAttachmentRequestTypePortType
>     On Monday, November 18, 2019, 03:32:28 PM EST, John F. Berry
> <> wrote:
>   a WSDL online analyzer warned of this vendor's "snake case".. and I
> noticed that all the classes made from this WSDL are missing the "_" in all
> the names... except that maven claims it cannot find "Resource_Management"
> porttype.. could it be looking for the underscore in the name it
> eliminated???
>     On Friday, November 15, 2019, 1:41:35 PM EST, John F. Berry
> <> wrote:
>  In my camel project, I have used the wsdl2java to generate my classes off
> of a vendor provided wsdl.  Perhaps it is a malformed cxf endpoint.. but it
> currently is just complaining of the portType.the -impl is under extraargs
> in the plug in.. and no change to the error.. other than giving me hundreds
> of warnings about services in the wsdl that cannot be unwrapped.  There's
> hundreds of services in this wsdl.I've seen many unanswered threads in a
> websearch, so perhaps the right question is not being asked.I am using cxf
> to produce a SOAP request from a vendor provided wsdl.. what could I be
> missing?
> The publicly available wsdl is here:
> and I am attempting to call the "Put_Procurement_Document_Attachment"
> request within that.  I am attempting to send this to a mock service with
> SoapUI on a test server like this:
> .to("cxf://
> http://testserver:8088/mockResource_ManagementBinding?
> ")
>  Other people in my shop have complained that something's just not right
> with this WSDL....  I thought I'd upload it to an online checker to verify
> complaince... It mostly checks out (besides all the snake case).. but it
> also reported that this is a SOAP 1.1 WDSL.. Could this be my problem?
> Any flags jump out to anyone?Thanks!

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