Alex Thurgood wrote:

Besser wäres natürlich, wenn ich die Dateien nicht vergessen hätte :-o

REM  *****  BASIC  *****

option explicit

sub SWsortUp()
        SWSort true
end sub

sub SWsortDown()
        SWSort false
end sub

sub SWsort(blnUpDown)

        Dim oSheet                                              ' The chosen 
Calc Sheet
        Dim oListe as Object                    ' The area to be sorted
        Dim intListeStartSpalte                 ' 
        Dim intListeEndSpalte                   ' 
        Dim lngListeStartZeile                  ' 
        Dim lngListeEndZeile                    '
        Dim intListeAnzSpalten                  '
        Dim lngListeAnzZeilen                   ' 
        Dim intKritSpalte as Integer    ' Number of Columns to be used for 
        Dim blnUeberschriften                   ' Does the list include column 
        Dim i as Integer                                ' Runtime integer 
        Dim oRange as Object                    ' Helper variable for the 
selected cell area
        Dim aSortFields(1) as New
    Dim aSortDesc(1) as New
        'The chosen Calc sheet
        oSheet = ThisComponent.CurrentController.ActiveSheet

        ' The area selected by the user
        oListe = thisComponent.CurrentSelection

        ' Only one selected area is allowed, multiple zones won't work
        if oListe.supportsService("") then
                msgbox "Multi-zone sorting non-functional!",,"© Ingenieurbüro 
                exit sub
        end if
        'Column determination for the active cell
        oRange = 
        intKritSpalte = ThisComponent.CurrentSelection.getCellAddress.Column
        'Selection of the list area, if exactly one cell has already been 
        '(Tip: use Calc's own Sort recognition procedure)
        'Lines and columns of the area to be sorted
        intListeStartSpalte = 
        intListeEndSpalte = 
        intListeAnzSpalten = intListeEndSpalte - intListeStartSpalte
        lngListeStartZeile = 
        lngListeEndZeile = ThisComponent.CurrentSelection.getRangeAddress.EndRow
        lngListeAnzZeilen = lngListeEndZeile - lngListeStartZeile + 1
        'Number of sort columns within the area to be sorted
        intKritSpalte = intKritSpalte - intListeStartSpalte
        if lngListeAnzZeilen = 1 then exit sub
        'Column headers ?
        blnUeberschriften = false
        'The first line is interpreted as the column headers if the cells of 
the first and second lines contain different data types
        for i=intListeStartSpalte to intListeEndSpalte
oSheet.getCellByPosition(i,lngListeStartZeile).FormulaResultType <> 
oSheet.getCellByPosition(i,lngListeStartZeile+1).FormulaResultType and _
oSheet.getCellByPosition(i,lngListeStartZeile).FormulaResultType <> 0 and _
oSheet.getCellByPosition(i,lngListeStartZeile+1).FormulaResultType <> 0 then
                blnUeberschriften = true
                exit for
                end if
        next i
        if blnUeberschriften = false then
            'The first line is also interpreted as the column headers,
            'if the cells of the first and second lines contain the same data 
types, but have different formatting styles 
                for i=intListeStartSpalte to intListeEndSpalte
oSheet.getCellByPosition(i,lngListeStartZeile).CellStyle <> 
oSheet.getCellByPosition(i,lngListeStartZeile+1).CellStyle then
                        blnUeberschriften = true
                        exit for
                        end if
                next i
        end if
        If blnUeberschriften and lngListeAnzZeilen > 1 then
                lngListeStartZeile = lngListeStartZeile + 1
                lngListeAnzZeilen = lngListeAnzZeilen -1
        end if
        if lngListeAnzZeilen = 1 then exit sub
        'Insert a helper column
        'enumerate the existing order in the helper column
        for i=lngListeStartZeile to lngListeEndZeile
        next i          

        'Sort properties
    aSortFields(0).Field = intKritSpalte                'Columns in which the 
user has set the active cell
    aSortFields(0).IsAscending = blnUpDown
    aSortFields(0).IsCaseSensitive = false
    aSortFields(1).Field = intListeEndSpalte+1  'Helper column with existing 
    aSortFields(1).IsAscending = true
    aSortFields(1).IsCaseSensitive = false
    aSortDesc(0).Name  = "SortFields"
    aSortDesc(0).Value = aSortFields()
    aSortDesc(1).Name  = "ContainsHeader"
    aSortDesc(1).Value = false
        'remove helper column

end sub

sub SelectCurrentRange
        dim oDisp as object
        dim oDoc as object
        dim Array()
        oDoc   = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
        oDisp = createUnoService("")
        oDisp.executeDispatch(oDoc, ".uno:SortAscending", "", 0, Array())
oDisp.executeDispatch(ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame,".uno:Undo", "",0, 
End Sub
Whilst migrating from Microsoft Excel to, I discovered that Calc 
can only sort Lists using at the most three simultaneous criteria.

The problem stems from the fact that Calc doesn't use any reliable sort 
algorithm. Reliable sort algorithms take into account the relative order of 
elements which, when compared to their position are equivalent, and do not 
change, whereas unreliable sort procedures do not guarantee such a behaviour. 
This means, and contrary to what is found in Excel, that with Calc you can not 
build on a previously constructed sort order.

As an example to clarify the situation:

If you carry out several subsequent sorts in Excel, irrespective of whether 
this is done via the menu Data|Sort or via the button in the toolbar, the 
subsequent sorts all build on the order established by the previous sort. In 
this way it is possible to organise any desired sort hierarchy according to 
multiple sort criteria.

A business turnover list should be sorted according to 5 criteria,
... the first line should sort the Sales Rep
... within the Sales Rep list by Region
... within the Region by Article Group
... within the Article Group by Customer Group
... within the Customer Group by Date.

Solution A using the Sort Toolbar button:
Sort Liste
... first using the Date
... then using the Customer Group
... then using the Article Group
... then using the Region
... then the Sales Rep

Solution B using the Data|Sort menu:
Sort List
... first using 1. Article Group, 2. Customer Group, 3. Date
... then again with 1. Sales Rep, 2. Region

If you try to do this with Calc, Solution A fails because of Issue 7277 (sorts 
are always carried out from the first column and not from the column in which 
the active cell is to be found).

Solution B also fails because Calc throws away the pre-existing sort order at 
every new sort command. This comes down to the fact that Calc uses an 
unreliable sort method (Issue 20491).

A further disadvantage also rears its ugly head when using Calc:

Although Calc, like Excel, is capable of automatically recognising the area of 
the worksheet in which the list is to be found, for this to work properly, the 
user has to have previously selected a single cell within the list range (and 
not a zone covering several cells). Once the cell has been selected, the sort 
program attempts to determine the limits of the list to be sorted in all four 
directions. In such a case, the program either meets the boundary of the sheet 
(for example, upper left), or it finds a line or column that has no entries 
whatsoever corresponding to the height or breadth of the list.

Calc can also detect whether the list contains a column header in the first 
line, so that this line is not included in the sort procedure. To do this, it 
compares the data types and the formats of the first and second lines. If the 
two are not the same, Calc interprets the first as the column header.

The problem with Calc is that this recognition only works if the user goes 
through the menu entry Data|Sort. In this case, the option "Zone includes 
column headers" is automatically activated. If you use the toolbar button 
however, Calc always sorts the first line as well as the rest. This odd 
behaviour can only be avoided by pre-selecting the area to be sorted, and 
voluntarily avoiding selection of the column headers. Not only is this way of 
doing things time consuming, but also goes against the basic rules established 
in Excel, whereby the user only has to explicitly select one cell within the 
list. These basic rules are followed by Calc with the AutoFilter, Datapilot and 
Sort using the menu entry Data|Sort, but not when attempting to the same thing 
using the Sort toolbar button.

The macro presented here using Basic proposes an improved sort 
mechanism that has the following improvements:
o reliable sorts
o the possibility of using multiple sort criteria by determining the 
pre-existing sort order of previous sorts
o sorting using the column in which the active cell has been selected
o recognises column headers, if present

The macro works as follows:

Reliables sorts are not conditioned on the use of a preprogrammed sort 
algorithm. The macro uses a feature that is already present in the unreliable 
Calc sort algorithm in order to obtain reliable results. From the user's point 
of view, the macro only ever sorts according to one criterium per sort 
operation. In reality, the macro creates a temporary extra column, in which the 
order obtained from the previous sort operation is enumerated. This column 
serves as a second criterium for each sort operation. In this way, the 
pre-existing sort order is maintained, so long as the sort order isn't modified 
by the current sort criterium. This is known as reliable sorting.

Once reliable sorting has been established, it is possible to use as many sort 
criteria as is wished. The only drawback is that you have to carry out more 
sort operations, and use the criteria in reverse order hierarchy. (See Solution 
A above)

The sort criteria to be used in the current sort operation is always defined as 
the column in which the currently active cell is to be found. A sort operation 
is therefore usually attainable using just two mouse clicks: (1) click on any 
single cell within the list and in the column to be used as sort criterium. (2) 
click in the toolbar, to get the macro sort in ascending or descending order. 
It is only now necessary to (painstakingly) preselect the zone to be sorted in 
exceptional circumstances, for example, when that zone is not to be found in a 
list surrounded by empty cells.

The macro also recognises whether the first line contains headers. It does this 
by comparing the data types of the cell content of every column in the first 
and second lines. If these are not all identical, then they are considered to 
be headers. In some rare cases, a list may contain identical data types in all 
columns to those of your headers (e.g. all text content). The macro thus also 
checks to see whether there is a difference in formatting styles between the 
first and second lines, which corresponds to general use case scenario within, whereby different structural elements of a document should have 
different formatting styles attributed to them.

Unfortunately, execution of the macro can not be undone, unlike mouse click 
functions. It is possible to find out more about this in the "Cancel"-History 
of the individual steps that were carried out by the macro (see Issue 53097). 
Future versions of Calc may bring improvements in this area.

Pimp my Calc : how do I integrate this macro into my 
installation ?

(1) You'll find the source code for the macro here : PimpMyCalc.bas

(2) Within choose Tools | Macros | Manage Macros | Basic...

(3) Click on Manage...

(4) Select "My Macros" and the click on New...

(5) Enter in any name that you wish for your new Module. Then click on "OK".

(6) Click on Edit... The new module is now open in the Basic IDE.

(7) Replace the existing text in this document with that copied from 

(8) Close the Basic-IDE Editor.

(9) In the Tools | Adapt... | Toolbars menu entry choose a toolbar or create a 
new one.

(10) Click on Add... and then choose on the left under " Macros" 
the newly added module. Select the entry "SWsortUp" on the right hand side and 
click on Add. This is the macro for ascending sorts. Add the corresponding 
"SWsortDown" routine for descending sorts.

(11) Using the Change button and the command Swap Icon... , you can choose 
which icon is to be displayed in the toolbar for each of these macros.

And now, have fun trying sorts in Calc!

Licence information: The macro is free and cost-free to use for personal and 
non-commercial use. Other uses upon request to the author.
To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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