On 6/4/2014 21:50, Sven Gaerner wrote:
> Did someone else saw such freezes? Is there anything I can do to track
> this freeze down?
> The freeze also occurs if I load the ath kernel module via
> /boot/loader.conf. The /boot/loader.conf contains only one line that
> sets vfs.root.mountfrom. So nothing special here.
> Uname says, the kernel is v3.8.0rc2.1.g358af0-RELEASE (X86_64_GENERIC).
> This is a 64bit system.

I know the uname says 3.8.0, is there any way possible that you built
master world instead of release branch 3.8 ?

The master has a new wpa-supplicant and hostapd,  but that is not on

Other than that, no ideas from me me..


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