
Please consider joining the weekly Einstein Toolkit phone call at
10 am US central time on Mondays. As usual, you can find instructions
how to join on the following web site:


In short: the number is (+1) 225-578-4942 or (+1) 866-573-0359 and
          the conference id is 118682#.

Tickets that have been worked on (and are still open) include retiring
snprintf (the Cactus version, #1712), avoiding a GRHydro build warning
(#1713), and aborting early in case of errors within the CST (#1252),
but the latter can probably be closed as won't fix with the split of
most (all?) of the external libraries' configuration scripts into two:
one to configure, and one to only build (thanks for that, Erik).

Lots of smaller changes to GRHydro made the move from Zelmani to the
main repository (#1152, closed, thanks to Roland), and Jenkins was not
reachable, but this was fixed within minutes (#1714, closed, thanks to

Besides new and otherwise mentioned tickets, we will again bring up
the issue of the most convenient (and consistently working) venue for
this phone call (Skype has been mentioned as not allowing US toll-free
numbers from anywhere). Google Hangouts have been mentioned, but also
some of their drawbacks.

Also, we left the question open of how to deal with a lot of still open,
and untouched bugs. We even have a ticket for that (#1698), and now
would be a perfect time to do this (post-release).

Another question that has been coming up was: would it be possible to
have a weekly (?) full build of the ET - meaning including all external
libraries that can be built on the slaves - even if system versions of
external libraries are present, installed and in theory useful? This
would give at least some testing for the shipped external libraries,
without being too much of a burden to the slaves (hopefully).

Frank Loeffler

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