On Jan 12, 2015, at 10:40 , Ian Hinder <ian.hin...@aei.mpg.de> wrote:
> On 12 Jan 2015, at 13:43, Erik Schnetter <schnet...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Jan 11, 2015, at 22:10 , Frank Loeffler <kn...@cct.lsu.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Please consider joining the weekly Einstein Toolkit phone call at
>>> 10 am US central time on Mondays. As usual, you can find instructions
>>> how to join on the following web site:
>>> http://einsteintoolkit.org/community/support/
>>> In short: the number is (+1) 225-578-4942 and the conference
>>>        id is 118682#.
>>> This being the first meeting in 2015 we should take a step back and
>>> discuss what we want the ET to be one year from now, and how this can be
>>> achieved.
>>> Of course, other topics are as always welcome.
>> I would like to discuss:
>> - having a type that is CCTK_INT8 by default on 64-bit platforms
>> - adding a new type CCTK_INT16
>> - merging the McLachlan rewrite branch

These are items for today, they are not goals for the year.


>> I may be late in calling in.
> I would add the following potential goals for the next year:
>       - Improving timelevel handling and making Carpet more flexible wrt time 
> prolongation orders etc (https://trac.einsteintoolkit.org/ticket/620)
>       - Dependency-based scheduling, to avoid errors and allow potential 
> parallelisation
>       - Output of simulation metadata in a standardised form (i.e. avoiding 
> the need to parse parameter files) 
> (https://trac.einsteintoolkit.org/ticket/1370)
>       - Get tickets under control 
> (https://trac.einsteintoolkit.org/ticket/1698)
>               - We have a system for triaging tickets which seems to work 
> (https://docs.einsteintoolkit.org/et-docs/Tickets), and have applied it to 
> the most recent tickets.  We need to apply it to the rest, and work out how 
> to make sure that this is done in future.
>       - Make tests independent of number of processes, or run on the right 
> number (https://trac.einsteintoolkit.org/ticket/1075, 
> https://trac.einsteintoolkit.org/ticket/1230).
>               - With some care, we now have all the required features to make 
> Carpet 1D output be independent of the number of processes, and I started 
> converting some of the tests a few weeks ago.  This needs to be extended to 
> all tests, and probably instructions added to the documentation for how to 
> write a test such that it can be run on any number of processes.
> --
> Ian Hinder
> http://members.aei.mpg.de/ianhin

Erik Schnetter <schnet...@gmail.com>

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