On 06/11/17 20:09, Hamilton, Maria wrote:
> Hello Eloisa,
> From my memory I'd say I am using the development version. 
> Is there a way to check this out?


Since the ET is hosted in a collection of repositories, the direct way
would be to check which branch of each you're on. Alternatively, you can
simply start with a fresh checkout (of, say, the last release) and see
if you encounter the same problem.

I am posting this to the list in case someone else has a better
solution. In any case, please include this information when you open the

> I tried to open ticket at: https://trac.einsteintoolkit.org, but I got this 
> message:
> Submission rejected as potential spam

I am not sure why this happens. Did you post as anonymous, or included
your (institutional) address email in the Reporter field?

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