
I think I understand what is going on:
In the OBR, I have:

   * B1.jar (with  "Import-Package: com.b2" and Import-Service: B2") ->
     installed from OBR
   * B2.jar (with "Export-Package: com.b2") -> installed from OBR
   * B2Impl.jar (with "Export-Service: B2") -> installed from OBR
   * B2OtherImpl.jar (with "Export-Service: B2") -> *not* installed
     from OBR

After having looked at the BundleRepository code, it sounds like *only one* preferred resource is resolved for each required capabilities. That is: when resolving B1.jar, the BundleRepository will choose the best resource for the "Import-Service: B2" requirement ... and it will
only install B2Impl.jar.

Is that right ?


Pierre De Rop wrote:
Thanks Richard;
Fortunately, we are also using bindex; and I have made a quick test which seems to work:

   * I have inserted the header "Import-Service: ..." in B1.jar
   * and "Export-Service: ..." in B2Impl.jar

And after having deployed B1.jar from the OBR, I can now see that B1.jar, B2.jar and B2Impl.jar are now properly installed in my fwk ( :-) )

However ... I have a case where B2.jar service is implemented by two different implementation bundle (for ex: B2OtherImpl.jar). Actually, B1.jar tracks the B2 service using a service property in order to load the convenient implementation.

So, I also inserted the header "Export-Service" in B2OtherImpl.jar (with the same service name as in B2Impl.jar) ...
But unfortunately, B2OtherImpl.jar has not been installed from the OBR !
Do you think this could be a bug from the BundleRepository bundle ?

(Notice that If I remove B2Impl.jar from the OBR, then B2OtherImpl.jar is properly installed !)


Richard S. Hall wrote:
It sounds like what you want is some way to install "applications". OBR was not intended to support applications...I figured this would be a layer above OBR.

I think that some people have experimented with approaches for deploying sets of bundles, perhaps they can respond.

As a simple solution to your situation mentioned below, you could have your client bundle require a B2 service, since B2Impl should provide a B2 service, then OBR should correctly deploy it.

In other words, your B1 metadata is incomplete, since it only states that it requires the packages, not a service. OBR capabilities also allow you to specify that you require and/or provide a service, which will then be included in the resolve process.

I think the bindex tool correctly converts Import-Service and Export-Service manifest entries into requirements and capabilities...

-> richard

Pierre De Rop wrote:
Hello everyone;

We are using the felix OBR (1.0.0) for deploying bundles into our application server. So, we store all our bundles into an OBR http server, and we uses a GUI obr browser which allows to install some bundles from the OBR into the application server.

Now, assuming that the following bundles are stored in the OBR repository:

   * B1.jar (which imports package from B2.jar. The ServiceTracker will
     be used to get B2 instance)
   * B2.jar (only contains an API interface)
   * B2Impl.jar (contains an activator which registers into the service
     registry an implementation for B2.jar)

So; using a GUI, I deploy B1.jar from the OBR into my cluster --> the OBR will install both B1.jar and B2.jar because
B1.jar imports packages from B2.jar ... But what about B2Impl.jar ?

B2Impl.jar won't be installed because there is not direct dependencies between B1.jar/B2.jar and B2Impl.jar. I could use the "Require-Bundle: B2Impl" header in B2.jar, but this is not a good practice (see Peter Kriens remarks about that, and also the specification, which details many problems about using Require-Bundle header) ...

You could just tell me that the only solution consists in clicking on B2Impl.jar in order to install it too ... But the point is : we have potentially many bundles to deploy and the administrator does not necessarily always have knowledge about all bundles to be installed ...

So the question is: how to simplify the deployment of a complex application from the OBR ? Is there any other headers than "Require-Bundle" that could ease deployment of bundles from the OBR ?


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