Ok, Richard;
Thank's a lot for your help. I think I have now a clear understanding about the OBR. As you suggested, may be the best thing to do is to make a sort of "application installer" on top of the BundleRepository service.


Richard S. Hall wrote:
Pierre De Rop wrote:
I think I understand what is going on:
In the OBR, I have:

   * B1.jar (with  "Import-Package: com.b2" and Import-Service: B2") ->
     installed from OBR
   * B2.jar (with "Export-Package: com.b2") -> installed from OBR
   * B2Impl.jar (with "Export-Service: B2") -> installed from OBR
   * B2OtherImpl.jar (with "Export-Service: B2") -> *not* installed
     from OBR

After having looked at the BundleRepository code, it sounds like *only one* preferred resource is resolved for each required capabilities. That is: when resolving B1.jar, the BundleRepository will choose the best resource for the "Import-Service: B2" requirement ... and it will
only install B2Impl.jar.

Is that right ?

It is not that a single "preferred" implementation is installed, but currently OBR just does not handle that case and it probably still wouldn't be exactly what you want even if it did.

In the OBR metadata, we currently support the notion of cardinality (i.e., multiple=true), so it is/was the intent to modify OBR so that it would be able to deal with installing more than one provider for aggregate requirements. This is something that should still be done.

However, OBR would still only be able to handle them in a simplistic way with a couple of predefined policies, e.g., one or all. It would be likely, though, that you would want to describe an application where you had a specific aggregate dependency, but you only wanted a subset of providers installed, for example, and then this would still not be possible with OBR.

In the end, it still sounds like you are asking for a more advanced "application" installer that would be a layer above OBR, which is something that I would like to work on if I had the time. The best we could do with OBR is implement support for aggregates.

-> richard


Pierre De Rop wrote:
Thanks Richard;
Fortunately, we are also using bindex; and I have made a quick test which seems to work:

   * I have inserted the header "Import-Service: ..." in B1.jar
   * and "Export-Service: ..." in B2Impl.jar

And after having deployed B1.jar from the OBR, I can now see that B1.jar, B2.jar and B2Impl.jar are now properly installed in my fwk ( :-) )

However ... I have a case where B2.jar service is implemented by two different implementation bundle (for ex: B2OtherImpl.jar). Actually, B1.jar tracks the B2 service using a service property in order to load the convenient implementation.

So, I also inserted the header "Export-Service" in B2OtherImpl.jar (with the same service name as in B2Impl.jar) ... But unfortunately, B2OtherImpl.jar has not been installed from the OBR !
Do you think this could be a bug from the BundleRepository bundle ?

(Notice that If I remove B2Impl.jar from the OBR, then B2OtherImpl.jar is properly installed !)


Richard S. Hall wrote:
It sounds like what you want is some way to install "applications". OBR was not intended to support applications...I figured this would be a layer above OBR.

I think that some people have experimented with approaches for deploying sets of bundles, perhaps they can respond.

As a simple solution to your situation mentioned below, you could have your client bundle require a B2 service, since B2Impl should provide a B2 service, then OBR should correctly deploy it.

In other words, your B1 metadata is incomplete, since it only states that it requires the packages, not a service. OBR capabilities also allow you to specify that you require and/or provide a service, which will then be included in the resolve process.

I think the bindex tool correctly converts Import-Service and Export-Service manifest entries into requirements and capabilities...

-> richard

Pierre De Rop wrote:
Hello everyone;

We are using the felix OBR (1.0.0) for deploying bundles into our application server. So, we store all our bundles into an OBR http server, and we uses a GUI obr browser which allows to install some bundles from the OBR into the application server.

Now, assuming that the following bundles are stored in the OBR repository:

* B1.jar (which imports package from B2.jar. The ServiceTracker will
     be used to get B2 instance)
   * B2.jar (only contains an API interface)
* B2Impl.jar (contains an activator which registers into the service
     registry an implementation for B2.jar)

So; using a GUI, I deploy B1.jar from the OBR into my cluster --> the OBR will install both B1.jar and B2.jar because
B1.jar imports packages from B2.jar ... But what about B2Impl.jar ?

B2Impl.jar won't be installed because there is not direct dependencies between B1.jar/B2.jar and B2Impl.jar. I could use the "Require-Bundle: B2Impl" header in B2.jar, but this is not a good practice (see Peter Kriens remarks about that, and also the specification, which details many problems about using Require-Bundle header) ...

You could just tell me that the only solution consists in clicking on B2Impl.jar in order to install it too ... But the point is : we have potentially many bundles to deploy and the administrator does not necessarily always have knowledge about all bundles to be installed ...

So the question is: how to simplify the deployment of a complex application from the OBR ? Is there any other headers than "Require-Bundle" that could ease deployment of bundles from the OBR ?


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