Hi Mathieu,

Am Donnerstag, den 29.05.2008, 23:45 -0400 schrieb Mathieu Plourde:
> Hello all,
>    I need help understanding Deployment Admin service. Is it like the Felix
> OSGi bundle repository service, but instead of treating bundle, it treats
> deployment packages (which can be summarized as groups of bundles)?

Both have kind of similar goals: Easier deployment. But there the
analogy ends.

The OBR is just a repository of bundles with a descriptor file - usually
called repository.xml - which lists all bundles provided along with
their properties, capabilities and requirements amongst them. A user of
the OBR will select bundles required for his application and the bundle
repository code will automatically resolve any missing requirements
using other bundles from the OBR.

The Deployment Admin on the other defines a packaging specification
(with extensibility) to package multiple bundles into a single package
and deploy it to some running OSGi frameworks. The deployment package
may declare further dependencies which must be resolved in the framework
to successfully deploy the package. The Deployment Admin spec also has
some installation guaranetees in it such as transactionality in some
sense: installing a Deployment Package is an all-or-nothing game: Either
the package insalls completely or not at all if there occurr some
problems while trying to install.

> Is there an implementation of the deployment admin in Felix?

Yes, we got a recent contribution which is in the deploymentadmin
project in the Felix SVN trunk.

> Thank you very much!

Hope this helps.


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