On 21 Aug 2014, at 0:15, Bulu wrote:

Given the ubiquity of git and OSGi, I would argue that having a tool to manage the release of a group of OSGi bundles, each of which is in a separate git repos, in a generic form would be a big benefit.

Late to this thread myself, but we have around 30-40 git repositories each being a separate OSGi bundle, built with Apache Maven, sharing a common parent containing a common/base maven-bundle-plugin and karaf-feature configuration ( which we're moving to the maven-tiles plugin (http://repaint.io - documentation coming) for better composition ).

We make heavy use of maven version ranges and semantic versioning, we also separate out all our API/interface bundles to their own git repositories/bundles, so that dependencies only bind to APIs and not implementations.

We ALWAYS use a range of say `[1.0.0,2.0.0)` - exclusive of the upper range, and NEVER release a `.0` version number ( avoids picking up `2.0.0-SNAPSHOT`'s).

We also make use of the StickyCode bounds-plugin to automatically update the lower range to latest release.


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