> Looking for a way to may it easy for user to get help when they need it. I'm 
> visioning creating a User Guide that's a PDF file, and include links 
> throughout the Flex app that "point" to specific locations in the PDF 
> document. When the user clicks a link in the Flex app, the PDF auto-opens in 
> a new browser window to the correct section in the document. When the user 
> clicks another link in Flex app, the same browser window that opened the PDF 
> file re-positions itself to the correct location corresponding to the clicked 
> link. 

In a pdf you can link to page numbers like so:

or to named bookedmarks:
http://www.company.com/file.pdf#nameddest =section3

In Flex you just need to use navigateToURL with URLs in the above form

There's probably also a way to use JS and the AS-JS bridge to talk from AS to 
JS to control the PDF.


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