Hi Darrel,

I have also tried with ModuleManager, but getting same issue. I am bit confused 
with your statement that ModuleLoader is not in display. I have added 
moduleLoader instance into popupwindow before loading module. Can you please 
clarify ?

I'll try to upload a sample project. May be it'll help.

-----Original Message-----
From: Darrell Loverin [mailto:darrell.love...@gmail.com] 
Sent: 13 November 2013 23:28
To: users@flex.apache.org
Subject: Re: One of the parameters is invalid while loading a module

One issue I noticed with the way you are using ModuleLoader is it is not on
the display list when you are doing the load so the moduleFactory that
controls the selected StyleManager will not be set correctly unless you are
in the top level application. Based on the way you are using ModuleLoader I
think you would be better off using ModuleManager.

On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 9:55 AM, Darrell Loverin

> I wasn't able to reproduce your problem using Flex 4.6. You gave me some
> code but left me guessing about the code for testModule.swf and the
> application. As Alex mentioned, it would be best to create a bug in JIRA,
> attach a simple FB project that reproduces the problem, and link to it from
> here. That would greatly improve your chances of  getting help.
> -Darrell Loverin
> On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 3:07 AM, Devesh Mishra 
> <devesh.mis...@mastek.com>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks Alex to inform us. I am adding my same code below.
>> // Sample Code Start
>> package com
>> {
>>         import mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject;
>>         import mx.events.CloseEvent;
>>         import mx.events.ModuleEvent;
>>         import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
>>         import mx.modules.ModuleLoader;
>>         import spark.components.TitleWindow;
>>         public class LoadModule
>>         {
>>                 private var _moduleUrl:String;
>>                 private var _moduleLoader:ModuleLoader;
>>                 private var _popUpWindow:TitleWindow;
>>                 public function LoadModule()
>>                 {
>>                         this.openModule();
>>                 }
>>                 private function openModule():void
>>                 {
>>                         _moduleUrl = 'testModule.swf';
>>                          openModuleAsPopUp();
>>                 }
>>                 private function openModuleAsPopUp():void
>>                 {
>>                         _moduleLoader = new ModuleLoader();
>>                         if(_popUpWindow == null){
>>                                 _popUpWindow = new TitleWindow();
>> _popUpWindow.addEventListener(CloseEvent.CLOSE,moduleCloseHandler);
>>                         }
>>                         _popUpWindow.addElement(_moduleLoader);
>>                         loadModule(_moduleLoader);
>>                 }
>>                 private function
>> loadModule(moduleLoader:ModuleLoader):void
>>                 {
>> moduleLoader.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.READY,onModuleLoadHandler);
>> moduleLoader.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.ERROR,onModuleLoadHandler);
>> moduleLoader.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.SETUP,onModuleLoadHandler);
>> moduleLoader.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.PROGRESS,onModuleLoadHandler);
>> moduleLoader.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.UNLOAD,onModuleLoadHandler);
>> moduleLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR,onModuleLoadHandler);
>>                         moduleLoader.loadModule(_moduleUrl);
>>                 }
>>                 private function
>> onModuleLoadHandler(event:ModuleEvent):void
>>                 {
>>                         switch(event.type)
>>                         {
>>                                 case ModuleEvent.READY:
>>  onModuleLoadComplete(event.currentTarget.child);
>>                                          break;
>>                                 case ModuleEvent.SETUP:
>>                                          trace("Module Setup");
>>                                          break;
>>                                 case ModuleEvent.ERROR:
>>                                          trace("Error while loading
>> module");
>>                                          break;
>>                                 case ModuleEvent.PROGRESS:
>>                                          trace("Module load in progress");
>>                                          break;
>>                                 case ModuleEvent.UNLOAD:
>>                                          onModuleUnloadComplete();
>>                                          trace("Unloading module");
>>                                          break;
>>                         }
>>                 }
>>                 private function onModuleUnloadComplete():void
>>                 {
>> _moduleLoader.removeEventListener(ModuleEvent.READY,onModuleLoadHandler,false);
>> _moduleLoader.removeEventListener(ModuleEvent.ERROR,onModuleLoadHandler,false);
>> _moduleLoader.removeEventListener(ModuleEvent.SETUP,onModuleLoadHandler,false);
>> _moduleLoader.removeEventListener(ModuleEvent.PROGRESS,onModuleLoadHandler,false);
>> _moduleLoader.removeEventListener(ModuleEvent.UNLOAD,onModuleLoadHandler,false);
>> _moduleLoader.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR,onModuleLoadHandler,false);
>>                 }
>>                 private function onModuleLoadComplete(child:*):void
>>                 {
>>                         _moduleLoader.addChild(child as DisplayObject);
>>                         PopUpManager.addPopUp(_popUpWindow as
>> IFlexDisplayObject,FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication as DisplayObject,true);
>>                         PopUpManager.centerPopUp(_popUpWindow as
>> IFlexDisplayObject);
>>                 }
>>                 private function moduleCloseHandler(event:Event):void
>>                 {
>>                         _moduleLoader.unloadModule();
>>                         PopUpManager.removePopUp(_popUpWindow);
>>                         _popUpWindow = null;
>>                 }
>>         }
>> }
>> // Sample Code End
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Devesh Mishra
>> Sent: 13 November 2013 12:24
>> To: users@flex.apache.org
>> Subject: RE: One of the parameters is invalid while loading a module
>> Hi Darrel,
>> Good to listen from you. I have attached my action script sample class
>> file in this email. Hope it'll give you a more clarification.
>> Here are my explanation regarding your queries.
>> 1) I have written PopUpManager.centerPopUp() on ready event, because I
>> want to display my popup only when my module get loads completely. Anyways
>> i have already tried with something else i.e. I have tried, just after the
>> initialization of popup window. But still getting same issue.
>> 2) Yes, I am using moduleLoader.addChild(child), after ready event.
>> You'll get more clarification after looking into attached file.
>> Note: Again repeating, this is happening with only one module. Apart from
>> that, I have lots of module in my application and all are working fine.
>> Module where I am getting this issue, it contains only one <mx:Module> and
>> inside module tag, there is one <s:VGroup width="100%" height="100%"
>> gap="10">
>> That's it inside my module where I am getting error.
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