
I spent the last few days kicking off Flexmojos 7. I managed to get the biggest 
things finished and have deployed a first snapshot version of Flexmojos 
7.0.0-SNAPSHOT (http://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/).

The biggest changes so far are:

-          Flexmojos 7 works only with Apache Flex SKDs as it expects the flex 
artifacts to have the group-id "org.apache.flex" (Flash and Air artifacts still 
have their com.adobe group ids). Therefore you have to mavenize your FDKs with 
the third parameter of the mavenizer set to false in order to generate suitable 
FDKs. (It always sort of felt wrong to call the Apache artifacts com.adobe.flex 
so this is one change I was really looking forward to)

-          The advanced-telemetry compiler option is now supported. So by 
adding "<advancedTelemetry>true</advancedTelemetry>" to your Flexmojos config, 
you will be able to use the generated SWFs with Adobe Scout.

-          I cleaned up the scopes of some of the warnings so the "Using 
Regular Flashplayer tests" will no longer be output as "WARNING". Same is the 
license.jar inavalability. So I in CI builds the build log should look a lot 
cleaner ;-)

-          I added a new generator mojo using "granite-ds" 2.3.2.GA (Simply use 
"granite232" to select that in your configuration)

-          The default FDK (The one used if you don't explicitly specify one) 
is now also changed to an Apache FDK (4.11.0)

In general all you should have to do to start using it should be:

-          Update the Flexmojos 7.0.0-SNAPSHOT

-          Change the group-id of flex artifacts from "com.apache.flex" to 

After this initial commit, I will concentrate on Air for Mobile support. I will 
probably not be able to finish that as fast as these changes, so that's why I 
published a 7.0.0-SNAPSHOT so you could start using it.
Starting with this I think it should be a lot easier to build Apache Flex 
applications using Maven.

Have fun :)


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