So I made an executive decision for now.  Even though a completely populated
component sliding into view is ideal, I think that it is better to respond
to the button click immediately with the transition and then for the lists
to populate, rather than having a user click a button and wait for 3 seconds
for anything to happen.  So I do not set a dataprovider for my lists
initially.  When a user clicks the button, the transition will happen
immediately, and on EffectEnd event of the transition, I will set the
dataprovider for the lists.  That way, the transition happens
immediately(and the user won't think the app is broken), and then they will
have to wait a second for the lists to populate. When I close the component
and it slides off screen again, I set the dataproviders back to null.

In the meantime, I am going to try and write an actionscript
itemrenderer(because I probably should know how to anyway), and if the
results are stellar, then I may try to populate the lists before the
transition as was the original plan.  I will report back here every once in
awhile to update the difference between actionscript and mxml itemrenderers
with my experience.

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