Hi Doug,

I'm not sure why but my message has been bounced, so resend.

First of all I'm glad that you are trying to use FlexJS to port your 
application. Thank you!

In case of tags and options - In FlexJS there are couple of modules which can 
be as a base used to build application.

Option 1:
Module Basic [1] and Express [2]. In Basic you have all components available in 
FlexJS - they need to be skinned (by css, Beads etc.). Express baked inside the 
components some beads as default.

Example: Basic Container do not have as default Scroller and you will not able 
to do the data binding if you will not add "ContainerDataBinding". Container in 
Express has both added as default. <js:Application>

Option 2:
MaterialDesignLight module - where with Carlos and many others people we have 
wrap all the components from Google MDL light [3] library and add some features 
like "dataProvider" to List and ability to use item renderers etc. Using this 
component you will have look and fill as presented in [3].

Option 3:
Mixed Basic, Express and MDL - This require some tweaks in CSS, cause there are 
components which collide with each other. I think Yishay and Harbs can provide 
you more information cause they are using those modules like that in their 

Take a look into the examples [4][5] which we have - build them and see how 
everything look like.

Olaf lately started the idea off putting together documentation in nice ordered 
way. There are already some information, but it is not finished [6] and there 
is our wiki [7].

Lately Alex add to FlexJS support for AMF. Carlos described how to test it on 
Dev [8] - it was merged to develop, so it is available in the newest Nightly 
Build  - 0.9.0. - I know that you already downloaded it but maybe try to do it 
again, since could not be available yet in yours.

I hope this initial information will help you dig into the FlexJS. 

[3] https://getmdl.io/components/index.html
[4] https://github.com/apache/flex-asjs/tree/develop/examples/flexjs
[5] https://github.com/apache/flex-asjs/tree/develop/examples/flexjs/MDLExample
[6] https://github.com/ok-at-github/flexjs-docs/wiki
[7] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLEX/FlexJS


On 2017-09-13 06:16, doug777 <doug777...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> My old Spark project starts with the following mxml tags : Application,
> RemoteObject, BorderContainer, HGroup and so on.
> Looking at the FlexJS API
> http://people.apache.org/~pent/asdoc-flexjs/index.html, I see four different
> Application tags. How to know which one to choose?
> The HelloWorld example in the SDK uses js:View and others use many tags that
> are not in the API. How to know what is available?
> There is no RemoteObject in the API, but the RemoteObjectAMFTest example in
> the SDK uses a bead called RemoteObject. How can I know what beads are
> available for a component?
> What are the equivalents to Containers in FlexJS?
> Just for starters. Any help appreciated.
> Doug
> --
> Sent from: http://apache-flex-users.2333346.n4.nabble.com/

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