In addition to...

"Why should a web dev choose FlexJS to write JS applications, and not go
with a more mainstream option like e.g. TypeScript/Angular?"

it may also be useful to think of the end customer. That is, 

"Why should a company prefer their app to be written in FlexJS rather than ..."

The company will need to support their app throughout its lifecycle by hiring 
developers, etc, which, the further you go from mainstream technologies, is 
harder to justify. There should be some compelling business reason(s) to do so 
(faster development, etc.).

>     On September 14, 2017 at 6:38 AM Piotr Zarzycki 
> <> wrote:
>     Hi All,
>     Erik on dev [1] list came up wit interesting question. I'm posting it also
>     here:
>     With the upcoming fork and renewed focus and most likely some publicity, I
>     want to ask the community to answer this question:
>     Why should a web dev choose FlexJS to write JS applications, and not go
>     with a more mainstream option like e.g. TypeScript/Angular?
>     I think that if we can answer that question in a compelling way, we are in
>     a good place as a project (from a code perspective, at least) and it gives
>     the marketing folks something to work with.
>     [1]
>     Thanks,
>     Piotr

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