I like this question. We must get this right, guys.

As a marketing guy, turned developer (sort of), it's critical to rightly
position FlexJS in front of the competition and the (unfortunate) legacy of

To be frank, I have not used FlexJS so far, but I'm a convinced believer in
its potential. So here are some keywords I can think of:

"Dynamic community"
"Committed community"
"The right way"
"Embraces modern platforms"
"Built on technology that empowered the web several years back - empowered
by the community to drive the future"

my humble 2cents...

Berty Tonta


TEL  +230 57 43 81 34 - berty.to...@leadstalk.pro - LEADSTALK.PRO

On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 5:38 PM, Piotr Zarzycki <piotrzarzyck...@gmail.com>

> Hi All,
> Erik on dev [1] list came up wit interesting question. I'm posting it also
> here:
> With the upcoming fork and renewed focus and most likely some publicity, I
> want to ask the community to answer this question:
> Why should a web dev choose FlexJS to write JS applications, and not go
> with a more mainstream option like e.g. TypeScript/Angular?
> I think that if we can answer that question in a compelling way, we are in
> a good place as a project (from a code perspective, at least) and it gives
> the marketing folks something to work with.
> [1]
> http://apache-flex-development.2333347.n4.nabble.com/FLEXJS-Marketing-why-
> should-a-web-dev-choose-FlexJS-td64292.html
> Thanks,
> Piotr

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