
I bought IntelliJ Premium and happily would pay 2 times more for a simple
update if they did.
The IDE works as expected but there are a few improvements/speed up tasks
(already shared with them) that they could improve on the Flex plugin.
I'm bombarded with marketing to pay for a upgrade but they only update the
JAVA plugin, so I don't upgrade.

I'm not unhappy with IntelliJ (even without updates) but since Moonshine was
released (I don't understand the name but ok), I see that have regular
I tested the very first (probably alpha) version and it was basically a
notepad with asteroids on that time but I belive that evolve serious along
the time.

My questions was to understand if makes sense the switch to Moonshine, if
the developers predict working on that on the next few years or if IntelliJ
continues to be the best IDE for the job.
I think that no one is better to answer that besides the developers.

About the donation process.
I don't believe very much on that (it's my opinion) and I would willing to
pay but not for donation because I only pay what I can recieve a VAT

About the donation process.
I don't believe very much on that (it's my opinion) and I would willing to
pay but not for donation because I only pay what I can recieve a VAT

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