I would be interested in hearing any more info you can give about it


On Jan 29, 2018 4:16 PM, "Justin Myers" <j...@iamjj.com> wrote:

> Looking to see if anyone would be interested in inheriting a Flex 4
> project of mine. I am unavailable to meet my client’s timeline. It is an
> Adobe AIR application for Windows/OSX desktop. Controlled installations for
> trade show market (no consumer deployment). For delivery, you would only
> need to supply the installer, some instruction, and perhaps make yourself
> available for phone assistance (if needed). Basically a couple glorified
> full screen touch applications for trade show attendee usage. End client is
> in the medical field. All the content consists of slides, some of which
> contain fancy, programmatic vector animations. Some but very little form
> submission integration. Client just needs current version to be revised by
> March 10. It will be a significant undertaking, considering the amount of
> initial deconstruction/reverse engineering involved and the spastic nature
> of this particular client. You would definitely need to be all in if you
> take this on, but can be financially rewarding. I can package and supply
> all libraries involved.
> If interested, please contact me off forum at j...@iamjj.com.
> Thanks,
> JJ Myers

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