Hi Eric,
I did as you requested and the I Packaged the Air Application successfully.

If I also add the Images, it does not compile as I would also need to have
(At least I believe I would)
Entries such as
I cannot upload it to the iStore as I have already uploaded a version of the 
App with only


> On 10 May 2018, at 07:36, Philip Medlam <philip.med...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Will do and will let you know the outcome in a later mail.
> BTW, the App is now on Sale, so just adding the Assets file to the root 
> worked!
> Ie No Icons required?
> Phil.
>> On 10 May 2018, at 00:23, Erik J. Thomas <e...@linqto.com 
>> <mailto:e...@linqto.com>> wrote:
>> Hey Philip, can you try something? Add your original icon entries in your 
>> app descriptor file, and add those files to your IPA package root too? Just 
>> an experiment. AIR does some stuff with the icons. If it works, it will help 
>> us discover the root cause.
>> On May 9, 2018, at 8:19 AM, Philip Medlam <philip.med...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:philip.med...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> No I haven’t.
>> Indeed, so far, I have only added the Assets.car file and no Icons 
>> specifically for this file,
>> Nor any entries in the xml file for the Assets which was in the 
>> http://applicationloader.net/appuploader/icontool.php 
>> <http://applicationloader.net/appuploader/icontool.php>
>> Zip file.
>> Well, see what Apple make of it I guess.
>> They may fail it of course!
>> Phil. 
>>> On 9 May 2018, at 16:13, Erik J. Thomas <e...@linqto.com 
>>> <mailto:e...@linqto.com>> wrote:
>>> Can you check if you have these entries in you Info.plist?
>>> <key>CFBundleIcons</key>
>>> <dict>
>>>     <key>CFBundlePrimaryIcon</key>
>>>     <dict>
>>>             <key>CFBundleIconFiles</key>
>>>             <array>
>>>                     <string>Icon-Ipad-152.png</string>
>>>                     <string>i...@2x-large.png</string>
>>>                     <string>Icon-Iphone-120.png</string>
>>>                     <string>i...@2x.png</string>
>>>                     <string>icon-small...@2x.png</string>
>>>                     <string>Icon-Ipad-76.png</string>
>>>                     <string>Icon-Large.png</string>
>>>                     <string>icon-sm...@2x.png</string>
>>>                     <string>Icon.png</string>
>>>                     <string>Icon-Small-50.png</string>
>>>                     <string>Icon-Small-50.png</string>
>>>                     <string>Icon-Small.png</string>
>>>             </array>
>>>             <key>CFBundleIconName</key>
>>>             <string>AppIcon</string>
>>>     </dict>
>>> </dict>
>>> On May 8, 2018, at 2:00 PM, Philip Medlam <philip.med...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:philip.med...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> No, it’s not working, 
>>> But adding the Icon files and the Assets file via
>>> Project Structure -> Modules -> iOS
>>> Puts those files in the build, which I have an image of Below or via:
>>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/jd13fjp1zy11tm1/2.tiff?dl=0 
>>> <https://www.dropbox.com/s/jd13fjp1zy11tm1/2.tiff?dl=0>
>>> <2.tiff>
>>> Phil
>>>> On 8 May 2018, at 21:07, Erik J. Thomas <e...@linqto.com 
>>>> <mailto:e...@linqto.com>> wrote:
>>>> Are you saying this is working now? Because simply adding them all to your 
>>>> src directory will NOT make this work.
>>>> The icons need to be copied to the package root folder of the IPA during 
>>>> the build. Placing files in src will NOT do that for you. Move all your 
>>>> src/icons to a separate directory outside of src, and add a File Copy 
>>>> directive to the iOS tab in your project module settings in IntelliJ IDEA. 
>>>> Do a release packaging of your app, and go into the output directory and 
>>>> find the IPA file, and open it to view the contents of the IPA and ensure 
>>>> Assets.car and all the icon files are in the package root folder of the 
>>>> IPA. If so, then you should be good to go.
>>>> On May 8, 2018, at 11:59 AM, Philip Medlam <philip.med...@gmail.com 
>>>> <mailto:philip.med...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> THX Eric,
>>>> I believe I have all the necessary icons which are in the Assets file
>>>> (As this was auto generated as were the icons from the website mentioned)
>>>>  in the same location as the Assets file,
>>>> Ie in the src directory, as shown
>>>> <1.tiff>
>>>> Phil:-(
>>>>> On 8 May 2018, at 18:53, Erik J. Thomas <e...@linqto.com 
>>>>> <mailto:e...@linqto.com>> wrote:
>>>>> Oops, I stand corrected. Assets.car is not a zip file. My bad.
>>>>> But the icons the online tool built should be available to copy to your 
>>>>> icons folder. Remember, they won't necessarily be the same names as the 
>>>>> icons you provided to the tool.
>>>>> Bottom line is you need the built icons in IPA root as duplicate of those 
>>>>> in the Assets.car.
>>>>> Erik
>>>>> On May 8, 2018, at 10:26 AM, Erik J. Thomas <e...@linqto.com 
>>>>> <mailto:e...@linqto.com>> wrote:
>>>>> You need the icons that were added to your Assets.car file to also be in 
>>>>> the package root of the IPA. You can unpack the .car (it's just a zip) 
>>>>> and copy all those icon files into an "excluded" IntelliJ directory at 
>>>>> the root of your project, like "icons" and then copy them to the package 
>>>>> root by adding a directive:
>>>>> command+;
>>>>> select your module
>>>>> select iOS tab
>>>>> add to "Files and folders to package":
>>>>> From: /Users/youraccount/project/icons
>>>>> To: .
>>>>> You should also copy the Assets.car file into the same icons directory so 
>>>>> the directive above also copies the .car to the root of the IPA. And you 
>>>>> never need to place icon files, splash screens, etc., into your project's 
>>>>> src directory. Since you use directives to copy them to the root of the 
>>>>> IPA during the build, just create a root folder "launchscreens" and 
>>>>> exclude it in IntelliJ and just copy the contents of it to "." and you 
>>>>> should be good to go.
>>>>> Erik
>>>>> On May 8, 2018, at 9:45 AM, npem <philip.med...@gmail.com 
>>>>> <mailto:philip.med...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I have a problem with the new iStore requirements
>>>>> For an Asset.car file
>>>>> I used the website at:
>>>>> *http://applicationloader.net/appuploader/icontool.php 
>>>>> <http://applicationloader.net/appuploader/icontool.php>
>>>>> *
>>>>> Which produced png’s and an Assets.car file
>>>>> All of which I copied to the src directory
>>>>> I then edited the -app.xml file to include, 
>>>>> Within the <icon> section
>>>>> *<image29x29>Icon-Small.png</image29x29>
>>>>> <image40x40>Icon-Small-40.png</image40x40>
>>>>> …… ….
>>>>> …. ….
>>>>> <image167x167>Icon-167.png</image167x167>
>>>>> <image180x180>Icon-180.png</image180x180>*
>>>>> I previously had entries for a few of these under:
>>>>> But commented these out
>>>>> I also 
>>>>> *Project Structure -> Modules -> iOS
>>>>> Added all the image files and the Assets.car file “to package”*
>>>>> All seemed to work, but when I uploaded to the iStore I get:
>>>>> *         ERROR ITMS-90032: "Invalid Image Path - No image found at the 
>>>>> path
>>>>> referenced under key 'CFBundleIcons': 'Icon-167.png'"
>>>>>           ERROR ITMS-90032: "Invalid Image Path - No image found at the 
>>>>> path
>>>>> referenced under key 'CFBundleIcons': 'i...@2x.png'"*
>>>>> Plus a another 5 lines for the different image Paths
>>>>> *Anyone offer an example of how I would use
>>>>> CFBundleIcons for 2 (as an example) icons 
>>>>> And where to put them in the xml file*
>>>>> Any help would be gratefully appreciated
>>>>> Phil:-)
>>>>> /I am using:
>>>>> IntelliJ 2017
>>>>> Flex 4.16.1
>>>>> AIR29/
>>>>> --
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