Congratulations.  Good to know that you got it to work.


On 10/28/19, 9:41 AM, "Ramazan Ergüder Bekrek" <> wrote:

    In my attempt to allow dynamic states based on annotations without a big 
refactoring of the Flex SDK, I have successfully implemented something which is 
working pretty well. And again it is all running inside of an OSGi runtime so I 
created a simple extension to the OSGi framework that monitors any added 
UIComponent on the stage and check if the component is candidate for a 
DynamicStateHost ready to received DynamicState.
    Equivalently each time a bundle is loaded in the OSGi runtime, it also 
checks if there is any candidate which is a DynamicState for the previously 
identified DynamicStateHost.
    I tested the code with an empty [host] Module containing zero state which 
is annotated with [DynamicStateHost(name="host")] and 2 other modules that are 
annotated with 
    [DynamicState(name="editor", target="host", default=true)]
    [DynamicState(name="marketplace", target="host", default=false)]
    When the OSGi runtime instanciates the Main UI [DynamicStateHost] it gets 
added on the stage and my extension intercepts it and check what was already 
parsed from the annotations. The extension gives the hand to the normal Flex 
process of handling the DynamicAddItem that I created based on the AddItem that 
are generated by the mxml compiler.
    This is a success and I'm pleased by the result.
    Thanx for the guidance Alex.
    Best Regards
    21.10.2019, 17:11, "Alex Harui" <>:
    > IMO, Binding is independent from states. Even if you took out all of the 
states, if you had a binding from a non-public property, there is no way to get 
that to work dynamically at runtime (at least, not without a ton of work). You 
should be able to generate bindings for public properties so if you can 
constrain your use of bindings for public properties, then you should be able 
to get things to work. Instead of generating getter/setters, you have to add 
the right event listeners for changes.
    > HTH,
    > -Alex
    > On 10/21/19, 7:26 AM, "Ramazan Ergüder Bekrek" <> 
    >     After looking how the compiler generates MXML states as suggested by 
Alex I've discovered some important details...
    >     Let's say that I have these two UI component in my main UI.
    >     <serviceloader:UIService id="marketplace" purpose="marketplace" 
width="100%" height="100%" bottom="0" includeIn="marketplace"/>
    >     <serviceloader:UIService id="editor" purpose="timeline" width="100%" 
height="35%" bottom="0" includeIn="editor"/>
    >     The class that is generated automatically is this:;;sdata=JbQQnHakQP5ogh6Hzuk5Z6DTolPEMo0JZcU6odxkdAI%3D&amp;reserved=0
    >     As you can see also the class has this annotation 
    >     I decided to remove all the states from the main UI to generate them 
    >     I my DynamicStateHandler class that is generating the states 
automatically there is the coded inspired by the MXML compiler.
    >     I am able to achieve almost anything except the part where the 
compiler adds the getter/setter for the Bindings from line 83 to 119.
    >     Naturally when my state handler try to set the current state of the 
main UI to the default one :;;sdata=mveTi%2Bmwrbketlwbqm4SFOeJa%2BKMrOsdSeNAd5gdlRw%3D&amp;reserved=0
    >     I get this error:
    >     Property editor not found on MultiversesMainUI and there is no 
default value.
    >         at 
    >     Does anyone has an idea how to fix this? I've created a dynamic class 
which extends from Module and used that instead but it doesn't work neither.
    >     Right now I have no clue how to bypass this constraint.
    >     Best regards
    >     Ergü

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