Hi, Javier,
Let me give a briefly describe what I want to achieve. I developed a simple
app called testprodserver using Flex builder 4.6, WAMP. The purpose of
developing this is to make sure the production server is setup probably with
ZendFramework, a DB called bookclub with only one table called level, a
services called LevelService.php. The app will retrieve the data and and
display them into a datagrid. Once I can see the datagrid filled with all
rows stored in table level, then I know the production server is setup OK.
The last step is to launch my real app developed for my users.

The app testprodserver has been tested OK in stand alone PC environment with
a WAMP installed. Therefore, I uploaded all the needed files to the
production server and they are stored in this file structure (see below)

         ZendFramework (a folder)

In order to run the app probably, changes made to these files:
1. amf_config.ini
        webroot =/var/www/vhosts/bbrchk.com/httpdocs 
        zend_path =./ZendFramework/library
        amf.production = true
        amf.directories[] = Services/BookClub
2. LevelService.php (stored under folder Services/BookClub)
        var $username = "dwu";
        var $password = "NotDiscloseHere";
        var $server = "localhost";
        var $port = "3306";
        var $databasename = "bookclub";
        var $tablename = "level";

After executing http://www.bbrchk.com/testprodserver/TestProdServer.html in
Chrome, I expect to see the datagrid filled with rows of data retrieved from
DB bookclub Table level (I have built 3 rows in table level in which they
can be viewed in the production server phpMyAdmin), but nothing came out
(see image).


After tracking with Charles 4.5.5, got this warning
mysqli_connect(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user 'dwu'@'localhost'
(using password: YES) in
*/var/www/vhosts/bbrchk.com/httpdocs/Services/BookClub/LevelService.php* on
line *44*<br /> (as posted in the last threaded message)

Next step, I will try to grant permission to 'dwu'@'%' and see what happen.

Thanks for suggesting this.

PS. the password I posted in the last message is not a real one. I would not
post real password. Thanks for bringing this up. 

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