Hi Robert,
have you tried this:

var layer_wea = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Windkraftanlagestandort", {
        styleMap: style_wea,
//        projection: "EPSG:4326", // <--- I think you dont need this 
        strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed()],
        protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({
            url: "http://maps.zgb.de/geoserver/wfs?";,
            version: "1.1.0",
            featureType: "wea_wgs84",
            featureNS: "http://www.zgb.de/postgis";,
            srsName: "EPSG:900913" // <--- = your basemap SRS


-----users-boun...@geoext.org schrieb: -----
An: users@geoext.org
Von: Robert Buckley 
Gesendet von: users-boun...@geoext.org
Datum: 09.07.2011 11:46AM
Betreff: [Users] why are my Search form results not georeferenced?


After trying to install a search form into my project, I have had limited 
success. I can run the search and get correct results. The only problem is that 
all results are positioned at 0,0 off the coase of Africa and not where they 
are supposed to be.

I have obviously overlooked something rudimentary here. This type of issue is 
usually due to the wrong SRS being assigned, but if this were the case, why 
does the grid work fine before the search is actived?

To understand the problem try it out here.


Here is the code for the search. I am using the protocol from the source layer 

var layer_wea = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Windkraftanlagestandort", {
        styleMap: style_wea,
        projection: "EPSG:4326",
        strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed()],
        protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({
            url: "http://maps.zgb.de/geoserver/wfs?";,
            version: "1.1.0",
            featureType: "wea_wgs84",
            featureNS: "http://www.zgb.de/postgis";,
            srsName: "EPSG:4326"
        eventListeners: {
            featuresadded: function () {
                var extent_wea = layer_wea.getDataExtent();

    // create a GeoExt form panel (configured with an OpenLayers.Protocol
        // instance)
      var features = new Array();
      var formPanel = new GeoExt.form.FormPanel({
            width: 300,
            height: 200,
            region: "west",
            protocol: layer_wea.protocol,
            items: [{
                xtype: "textfield",
                name: "bez__like",
                value: "WF*",
                fieldLabel: "bez"
            listeners: {
                actioncomplete: function(form, action) {
                    // this listener triggers when the search request
                    // is complete, the OpenLayers.Protocol.Response
                    // resulting from the request is available
                    // through "action.response"
                   features = action.response.features;
            text: "search",
            handler: function() {
            scope: formPanel
        var searchwin = new Ext.Window({
        title: "wfs search",
        layout: 'fit',
        width: 200,
        collapsible: true,
        height: 100,
        closeAction: 'hide',
        plain: true,
        items: [formPanel]

If anyone has any clues i´d be grateful,



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