I tried your suggestion and it doesn´t work for me.

Thanks anyway,


Von: "daniel.b...@hzg.de" <daniel.b...@hzg.de>
An: robertdbuck...@yahoo.com
CC: users@geoext.org
Gesendet: Samstag, den 9. Juli 2011, 17:05:21 Uhr
Betreff: Re: [Users] why are my Search form results not georeferenced?

Hi Robert,
have you tried this:

var layer_wea = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Windkraftanlagestandort", {
        styleMap: style_wea,
//        projection: "EPSG:4326", // <--- I think you dont need this 
        strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed()],
        protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({
            url: "http://maps.zgb.de/geoserver/wfs?";,
            version: "1.1.0",
            featureType: "wea_wgs84",
            featureNS: "http://www.zgb.de/postgis";,
            srsName: "EPSG:900913" // <--- = your basemap SRS


-----users-boun...@geoext.org schrieb: -----
An: users@geoext.org
>Von: Robert Buckley 
>Gesendet von: users-boun...@geoext.org
>Datum: 09.07.2011 11:46AM
>Betreff: [Users] why are my Search form results not georeferenced?
>After trying to install a search form into my project, I have had limited 
>success. I can run the search and get correct results. The only problem is 
>all results are positioned at 0,0 off the coase of Africa and not where they 
>supposed to be.
>I have obviously overlooked something rudimentary here. This type of issue is 
>usually due to the wrong SRS being assigned, but if this were the case, why 
>the grid work fine before the search is actived?
>To understand the problem try it out here.
>Here is the code for the search. I am using the protocol from the source layer 
>var layer_wea = new  OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Windkraftanlagestandort", {
>        styleMap: style_wea,
>        projection: "EPSG:4326",
>        strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed()],
>        protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({
>            url: "http://maps.zgb.de/geoserver/wfs?";,
>            version: "1.1.0",
>            featureType: "wea_wgs84",
>            featureNS: "http://www.zgb.de/postgis";,
>            srsName: "EPSG:4326"
>        }),
>        eventListeners: {
>            featuresadded: function () {
>                var extent_wea = layer_wea.getDataExtent();
>                mapPanel_wea.map.zoomToExtent(extent_wea);
>            }
>        }
>    });
>    // create a GeoExt form panel (configured with an OpenLayers.Protocol
>        //  instance)
>      var features = new Array();
>      var formPanel = new GeoExt.form.FormPanel({
>            width: 300,
>            height: 200,
>            region: "west",
>            protocol: layer_wea.protocol,
>            items: [{
>                xtype: "textfield",
>                name:  "bez__like",
>                value: "WF*",
>                fieldLabel: "bez"
>            }],
>            listeners: {
>                actioncomplete: function(form, action) {
>                    // this listener triggers when the search request
>                    // is complete, the  OpenLayers.Protocol.Response
>                    // resulting from the request is available
>                    // through "action.response"
>                   features = action.response.features;
>                   store_wea.loadData(features);
>                }
>            }
>         });
>        formPanel.addButton({
>            text: "search",
>            handler: function() {
>                this.search();
>            },
>            scope: formPanel
>        });
>        var searchwin = new Ext.Window({
>        title: "wfs search",
>        layout: 'fit',
>        width: 200,
>         x:300,
>        collapsible: true,
>        height: 100,
>        closeAction: 'hide',
>        plain: true,
>        items: [formPanel]
>    });
>If anyone has any clues i´d be grateful,
>Users mailing list
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