I have a Ext.tree.treepanel that works just fine. The new behaviour I'm trying to achieve. When the user selects a specific leaf node only (I know that layer) by checking the box, I do not want to proceed with the rendering of the layer. I must first popup a confirmation form that tells the user something and then the user is expected to click the 'YES' confirmation button and then the layer will be displayed on the map as normal. If the user just closes down this popup form or selects the 'NO' confirmation the layer will not be displayed and the checkbox will be unchecked. I have placed a listener on the tree leaf which is fired on a 'checkchange' and does allow me to launch the popup to the screen but for some reason when the user selects the YES button it just displays the form again. Its like it is stuck in some recursive mode. The listener code is as follows so can anyone tell me what I could be doing wrong here? 1) I attach the listener as follows: listeners: { "checkchange": function(node){ processUserLayers(node);} } 2) This function triggers just file function processUserLayers(node) { node.layer.setVisibility(false); if(confMsg == null) { confMsg = ({ title:'Warning!', msg: 'This should not replace Dial Before You Dig. Please confirm you understand?', buttons: Ext.Msg.YESNO, fn: function(btn) { confMsg = null; if(btn=='yes') { node.layer.setVisibility(true); node.attributes.checked=true; } else {node.attributes.checked=false;} }, animateTarget: 'elId', icon: Ext.Msg.QUESTION, modal: true }); } } Brad Spencer Managing Director, NuMaps tel: 02 9672 6856 mob: 0404 841 131 see my artwork here <>
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