I am trying to load a single vector layer and be able to turn on and off 
visibility of individual features within that layer from a layer tree.

For example, load all the United States in one layer and turn on and off each 
state from the layer tree. 

I would like to display this as a grouped layer for organization. Here is what 
I have come up with so far. Is there a better way to do this?

var layerList = new GeoExt.tree.LayerNode({
        text: 'The United States',
        expanded: true,
        layer: usa, // refers to a vector layer using HTTP protocol to get 
        leaf: false,
        children : [{
                text: "Alabama",
                leaf: true,
                checked: false
                text: "Alaska",
                leaf: true,
                checked: false
        }, {
        //...  load other fifty states

var layerTree = new Ext.tree.TreePanel({
        title: 'Map Layers',
        root: layerList,
        listeners: {
                'checkchange': function(node, checked){
                        var tempfid = node.attributes.fid;
node.parentNode.attributes.layer.getFeatureByFid(tempfid).renderIntent = 
                                // I am setting visibility with renderIntent 
because styles are reset when layer is redrawn form panning or zooming.
node.parentNode.attributes.layer.getFeatureByFid(tempfid).renderIntent = 

I can't load individual layers for each state because I intend to do this with 
other layers and OpenLayers can only display so many layers at a time, also 
requests would become very heavy.

I am also using featureserver for my requests which does not have built in 
GetCapabilities functionality.

I have found an example in OpenLayers that achieves what I am trying to do 

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