Sorry , I forgot the code and the url

// map settings for the

var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map",{
       displayProjection: epsg900913,
        units: "m",
maxResolution: 156543.0339,
        maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(912352.369449, 6720955.021855, 
1391765.410767, 7014473.210418),
restrictedExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(871993.618568, 6598044.280668, 
1483489.84474, 7087241.261605),
        controls: [new OpenLayers.Control.MouseDefaults()
,new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar()
,new OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition()
,new OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine({geodesic: true})]

var printDialog;
 // The PrintProvider that connects us to the print service
   var printProvider = new{
        method: "GET", // "POST" recommended for production use
        capabilities: printCapabilities, // provide url instead for lazy loading
        customParams: {
            mapTitle: "ZGB Energieportal" ,

// mappanel for the main app
var mappanel = new GeoExt.MapPanel({
        height: 400,
        width: 600,
        map: map,
        xtype: "label",
        text: "Maßstab = 1 : "
tbar: [toolbarItems,'','-',
            text: "Drucken...",
icon: '../images/printer.png',
tooltip: "kartenansicht in PDF Format exportieren",
            handler: function(){
                // A window with the PrintMapPanel, which we can use to adjust
                // the print extent before creating the pdf.
                printDialog = new Ext.Window({
                    title: "Druckansicht",
                    layout: "fit",
                  //  autoWidth: true,
                    height: 400,
width: 300,
                    items: [{
                        xtype: "gx_printmappanel",
                        sourceMap: mappanel,
                        printProvider: printProvider
                    bbar: [{
                        text: "PDF Erstellen...",
                        handler: function(){

'->','Ortssuche',' ',' ',geoNameSearchCombo]

Von: Robert Buckley <>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, den 25. August 2011, 8:55:06 Uhr
Betreff: [Users] Still having print preview problems


I have been working on this for ages and have never had a satisfactory result. 
Maybe someone can help.

I would like a simple print preview window to export a pdf of my mapPanel. I 
have the following problems...

1.  The gx_printmappanel has either  the wrong/or no coordinate system APART 
from when I switch the base map to OSM 
2. The gx_printmappanel map does not record the zoom level of the mapPanel i.e. 
when I zoom in in the main application, the printpreview window is still on 
3. When the gx_printmappanel shows the osm baselayer, it is still not printed
4. If I zoom into the printPreview map a few times to find a smaller area which 
I want to print ( which shouldn´t be necessary because the printPreview should 
take on the view in the mapPanel of the app), I get the following error message 
on export

Request denied by WatchGuard HTTP proxy.Reason: request URL path too large 

The path is very very long and as far as I can see, every time I zoom the BBOX 
is contained in the URL. And this is then blocked by my firewall ( I assume)

I´m sure that the problems 1,2 and 4 will be solved as soon as the printpreview 
records the mapPanel of the app. 

Any help would be gratefully accepted,


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