I had an error similar as yours for the too long path URL. It comes from  
the method chosen for the printProvider. Change it into POST and it solve  
this part of your problem!


On Thu, 25 Aug 2011 08:58:44 +0200, Robert Buckley  
<robertdbuck...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Sorry , I forgot the code and the url
> http://maps.zgb.de/www/eeg/gfi.html
> // map settings for the mappanel.map
> var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map",{
> projection:epsg900913,
>        displayProjection: epsg900913,
>         units: "m",
> maxResolution: 156543.0339,
>         maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(912352.369449, 6720955.021855,
> 1391765.410767, 7014473.210418),
> restrictedExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(871993.618568, 6598044.280668,
> 1483489.84474, 7087241.261605),
>         controls: [new OpenLayers.Control.MouseDefaults()
> ,new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar()
> ,new OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition()
> ,new OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine({geodesic: true})]
>     });
> var printDialog;
>  // The PrintProvider that connects us to the print service
>    var printProvider = new GeoExt.data.PrintProvider({
>         method: "GET", // "POST" recommended for production use
>         capabilities: printCapabilities, // provide url instead for lazy  
> loading
>         customParams: {
>             mapTitle: "ZGB Energieportal" ,
>             comment:date
>         }
>     });
> // mappanel for the main app
> var mappanel = new GeoExt.MapPanel({
> id:'mappanel',
>         region:"center",
>         height: 400,
>         width: 600,
>         map: map,
> bbar:[{
>         xtype: "label",
>         text: "Maßstab = 1 : "
>     }],
> tbar: [toolbarItems,'','-',
> {
>             text: "Drucken...",
> icon: '../images/printer.png',
> tooltip: "kartenansicht in PDF Format exportieren",
>             handler: function(){
>                 // A window with the PrintMapPanel, which we can use to  
> adjust
>                 // the print extent before creating the pdf.
>                 printDialog = new Ext.Window({
>                     title: "Druckansicht",
>                     layout: "fit",
>                   //  autoWidth: true,
>                     height: 400,
> width: 300,
>                     items: [{
>                         xtype: "gx_printmappanel",
>                         sourceMap: mappanel,
>                         printProvider: printProvider
>                     }],
>                     bbar: [{
>                         text: "PDF Erstellen...",
>                         handler: function(){
> printDialog.items.get(0).print();
> }
>                     }]
>                 });
>                 printDialog.show();
>             }
>         },
> '->','Ortssuche',' ',' ',geoNameSearchCombo]
>     });
> ________________________________
> Von: Robert Buckley <robertdbuck...@yahoo.com>
> An: users@geoext.org
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, den 25. August 2011, 8:55:06 Uhr
> Betreff: [Users] Still having print preview problems
> Hi,
> I have been working on this for ages and have never had a satisfactory  
> result.
> Maybe someone can help.
> I would like a simple print preview window to export a pdf of my  
> mapPanel. I
> have the following problems...
> 1.  The gx_printmappanel has either  the wrong/or no coordinate system  
> from when I switch the base map to OSM
> 2. The gx_printmappanel map does not record the zoom level of the  
> mapPanel i.e.
> when I zoom in in the main application, the printpreview window is still  
> on
> maxextent.
> 3. When the gx_printmappanel shows the osm baselayer, it is still not  
> printed
> 4. If I zoom into the printPreview map a few times to find a smaller  
> area which
> I want to print ( which shouldn´t be necessary because the printPreview  
> should
> take on the view in the mapPanel of the app), I get the following error  
> message
> on export
> Request denied by WatchGuard HTTP proxy.Reason: request URL path too  
> large
> The path is very very long and as far as I can see, every time I zoom  
> the BBOX
> is contained in the URL. And this is then blocked by my firewall ( I  
> assume)
> I´m sure that the problems 1,2 and 4 will be solved as soon as the  
> printpreview
> records the mapPanel of the app.
> Any help would be gratefully accepted,
> yours,
> Rob

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