This sounds like your WMS layer is a cached layer with a projection
different from the one determined by the Google layer (Web Mercator,
EPSG:900913 or 3857).

Note that if your Google layer becomes the first visible layer, it will be
the base layer, and the other grid layers will be requested in the Web
Mercator projection. If, on the other hand, your WMS layer becomes the base
layer, all other grid layers will use its projection.

So when working with Google or other Web Mercator layers, you should make
sure that all your other layers also support Web Mercator.
On Oct 12, 2011 1:09 PM, "Kai Volland" <> wrote:

>  Hi Users,
> i've some problems with my google baselayer. I'm using the V3 api.
> I've a layertree with three base layers. One of them is a google layer:
> *var gphy = new OpenLayers.Layer.Google(
>     "Google Physical",
>     {type: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN}
> );*
> If i select it, one of my three WMS-Layers is not displayed but this
> errormessage is shown:
> "Could not get retrieve any sources:
>   no image returned from source wms"
> The second problem is, that all my wfs data is displyed close to Sao Tome
> and principe in one point. Maybe 0"N, 0"E ?
> A Click-Event in the near of this point returns weird coords
> "-59429.116394162 N, -12061.97722435 E.
> So it has to be a transformation problem...
> Any Idea how to fix it?
> Kind regards
> Kai
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