Hello everyone:

I am driving mad with this problem. I am doing a web application with
OpenLayers, ExtJs and GeoExt and the simple fact to load values in a combo
have become hard.

Step1: I have defined a featurestore that stores the records from a layer
in Geoserver. No problem to load these items in a GeoExt gridPanel. This
store has been generated with this code:


store = new GeoExt.data.FeatureStore({

                        layer: wfslayer,

                        fields: [

                             {name: 'PLANT', type: 'string'},

                             {name: ‘COUNTRY’, type: ‘string’},

                            {name: ‘STATUS', type: 'string'},

                            {name: 'long', type:

                            {name: 'lat', type: 'float'},


                            proxy: new GeoExt.data.ProtocolProxy({

                                    protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({

                                 //version: "1.0.0",

                                               srsName: 'EPSG:900913',

                                             url: "

                                             featureNS: '

                                               featurePrefix: nomPrefix,

                                               featureType: nomLayer,

                                               geometryName: nomGeometry,




                                               autoLoad: true



This store has records with fields (COUNTRY) that contains repeated values
and I would like to filter that store by this field: COUNTRY. For that, I
have created a ComboBox and I am trying to show only “no repeated” values
but no success.

var combo1=new Ext.form.ComboBox({

                                               fieldLabel:'Filtro Pais',


                                               forceSelection: true,

                                               store: store,

                                               emptyText:'Escoge un país',

                                               triggerAction: 'all',

                                               //allQuery: 'DISTINCT',



                                               valueField: 'COUNTRY'


This combo shows a list of all (repeated) values from store. This a
question of ExtJS forum but I would appreciate if anyone knew how to filter
it out.

Once a country is selected from combo, I would like to be shown the STATUS
associated to that selected COUNTRY. This is a question of anidated combos
but I don’t know how to ‘featurefilter’ config tag would be entered in this

Any ideas?

Thanks in advanced

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