You would really need to put up a more complete example or a link to an 
accessible version of the application, or at least a minimal example if the 
below information doesn’t help

Look at the documentation and examples on ExtJS combo box and the store config 

First, you want to make sure that you are running ‘collect’ only after the 
feature store is finished loading.
Second, when you use an array for the ‘store’ configuration option, you do NOT 
include the ‘displayField’ & ‘valueField’ options. The combo auto-creates a 
real store from the array and maps the correct field name to the display & 
value options.

Matt Priour

From: Jorge Lopez 
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2011 6:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Users] Load combo, FeatureStore and filter values

Thanks Matt for your advice.  

Anyway I didn`t succeed it. As you comment, first I should create an array by 
using 'collect' method on combo's store. I got it by using an easy example of 
an arraystore (static) but in my example, with data provided by an web service, 
when I use collect method like this: 

var combo1=new Ext.form.ComboBox({  
fieldLabel:'Filtro Pais',  
forceSelection: true,  
store: store2.collect('COUNTRY'), //store2 is my combo's store 
mode: 'local', 
emptyText:'Select a country',  
triggerAction: 'all',
//allQuery: 'DISTINCT',
valueField: 'COUNTRY'

Nothing is appeared. I think that store is not loaded, so nothing can happen 
but why I got it if collect is not used?

I can figure out what is happening.


On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 3:38 PM, Matt Priour <> wrote:

  You’re going to want to use an ArrayStore for that “COUNTRY” combo box, not 
the feature store.
  If you use the feature store and filter unique countries, you will also be 
filtering the grid.
  Provide the array returned by the ‘collect’ method 
(!/api/ on the 
feature store to the ArrayStore’s loadData function.
  Put a listener on the combo box for the ‘select’ event that uses the selected 
value to filter the feature store is you want to limit feature records by that 
  If you are just looking to do linked combos, and not do any filtering or only 
filter after the user has made a series selections from linked combos, then you 
should have the ‘select’ listener for the first combo box ‘query’ 
(!/api/ the 
feature store and either directly use the returned collection in the linked 
child combo box(es) or further process the collection to unique values for a 
simple array store backed combo box

  Matt Priour

  From: Jorge Lopez 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 5:22 AM
  Subject: [Users] Load combo, FeatureStore and filter values

  Hello everyone: 

  I am driving mad with this problem. I am doing a web application with 
OpenLayers, ExtJs and GeoExt and the simple fact to load values in a combo have 
become hard. 

  Step1: I have defined a featurestore that stores the records from a layer in 
Geoserver. No problem to load these items in a GeoExt gridPanel. This store has 
been generated with this code:


  store = new{

                          layer: wfslayer,

                          fields: [

                               {name: 'PLANT', type: 'string'},

                               {name: ‘COUNTRY’, type: ‘string’},

                              {name: ‘STATUS', type: 'string'},

                              {name: 'long', type: 'float'},                    

                              {name: 'lat', type: 'float'},


                              proxy: new{

                                      protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({

                                   //version: "1.0.0",

                                                 srsName: 'EPSG:900913', 



                                                 featurePrefix: nomPrefix,

                                                 featureType: nomLayer,

                                                 geometryName: nomGeometry,




                                                 autoLoad: true



  This store has records with fields (COUNTRY) that contains repeated values 
and I would like to filter that store by this field: COUNTRY. For that, I have 
created a ComboBox and I am trying to show only “no repeated” values but no 

  var combo1=new Ext.form.ComboBox({  

                                                 fieldLabel:'Filtro Pais',  


                                                 forceSelection: true,  

                                                 store: store,   

                                                 emptyText:'Escoge un país',  

                                                 triggerAction: 'all',  

                                                 //allQuery: 'DISTINCT',



                                                 valueField: 'COUNTRY'  


  This combo shows a list of all (repeated) values from store. This a question 
of ExtJS forum but I would appreciate if anyone knew how to filter it out. 

  Once a country is selected from combo, I would like to be shown the STATUS 
associated to that selected COUNTRY. This is a question of anidated combos but 
I don’t know how to ‘featurefilter’ config tag would be entered in this 

  Any ideas? 

  Thanks in advanced


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