It's so sad that Sencha had to screw up a good thing.  Their ridiculous licensing changes/costs mean that I probably won't be using the version(s) that it covers or any product that is linked to them (including GeoExt 3+).  I still can't figure out how they decided that the changes are a good idea.  I guess that they're just willing to lose a significant segment of their customers in order to get those big bulk licensing payments.  SMDH

Regardless, I've really enjoyed using GeoExt and I want to thank all those who've contributed to this great project.

On 06/26/15, Bart van den Eijnden<> wrote:
Hello everyone,

this is a heads-up to the community, and mostly that part of the community  that is unable to deal with GPL applications.

For Ext JS 6 (which is the version of Ext we’re targeting with GeoExt 3), Sencha has changed their model and doesn’t offer the open source exception anymore.

This means there are 2 options basically:

1) GeoExt 3 will be GPL only (not BSD anymore)
2) all the developers and contributors to GeoExt 3 need to get a Sencha commercial license for Ext JS (for prices see here:, and GeoExt 3 would need to be licensed with a dual license model (commercial, GPL) as well

There are currently no funds available for option 2), hence option 1) is very likely.

If this is problematic for you or your company, please speak up now in case you have any funding available to influence this important decision.


Best regards,

Bart van den Eijnden
Front End Software Engineer | Boundless

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