This should be supported out of the box from geoexplorer (I think the code is 
in gxp). What version of geoexplorer are you using?

If you add the layers with the composer constructor which begins with:
var app = new GeoExplorer.Composer({ …
                    layers: [
                                   source: "ol",
                                   type: "OpenLayers.Layer.WMS",

You can add queryable: true to enable WFS, and it should be available in the 
“get feature info” button in the toolbar.

Or you can add it when creating the layer with 
gxp.plugins.OLSource.prototype.createLayerRecord({source: "ol", ...})


From: [] On Behalf Of 
pablo zader
Sent: 11. august 2015 08:03
Subject: [Users] Add WFS to map and ClickableFeatures

Hi list
I am working with Geoexplorer (GXP + Openlayers + GeoExt) and need add WFS 
layer to Map. how can I do it?
What I really need is to load a WFS layer and select a feature with the mouse.

I am trying with this code. but can't add to map:

var WFSgeoDB=new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("WFS", {
               strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.BBOX()],
               protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS.v1_1_0({
                 url: "http://localhost:8080/services/WFSgeoDB";,
                 featureType: "streets",
                 featureNS: "";,
                 featurePrefix: "app",
                 geometryName: "road"

Then I discovered this class: gxp.plugins.ClickableFeatures 
 , but not how to use it. You can serve this class for what I want? someone 
could give some example of its use?

Thanks in advanced


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